Thursday, October 18, 2018

just answer the question!

As a father who raised two adventurous boys, and lived through their teen years to tell about it, I learned a secret, which really isn’t a secret if someone told me, and now I’m telling you.  So simple you may have overlooked it, and even applicable today in non-child raising applications.  Ready?  One word answers.  That’s it.  “Can I go?” “No.”  Not, “you cannot go because we don’t have the money,” or “no you cannot go because you’re grounded,”  just no.  A simple one word answer.  Which today may save a lot of stress between relationships, if applied properly.  For example, have you ever noticed how people avoid one word answers to yes or no questions?  See, instead of saying yes, or no, you began to cite an example.  Did you just do that?  Yes or no....not well could you repeat the question, or that I didn’t understand the answer.  You just proved a point...either way.
But the converse to the rule is when asking a question for a detailed answer.  “Is that a new bike, where did you buy it?”  Answer, “yes.”  Why do we get confused when it comes time to answer?  Are we trying to hide something, or are we just not comfortable, since we hear lies so many times anymore?  Yes or no answer.  With possibility of choosing either or or.  My kids still found ways to argue even with one word answers, “but why?” is not a yes or no.  Simple solution, if you engage in an argument, you already lost. They got you, and in terms of beliefs, wrong doctrine, sin, or false doctrine will wear you down long before you can change them.  Many Christmas parties ago a man and his family came and he started in some doctrinal issues.  He picked on a weaker one, they somehow know, and frustrated him and his belief.  When I was asked to comment, I confronted him, telling him all he wanted to do was start and argument, and he was not welcome any more.  Harsh words, but no argument.  Funny, how his wife the told him “see I told you not to do that, it always causes trouble.”  And gone he was...
In 2 John we read a short letter warning a church about false teachers, and how they invade and cause problems within the body.  He advises “don’t even say God bless you,” or let them into your house.  If you say God bless you, you acknowledge their god, who isn’t the only true God of the Bible.  And they are coached in how to twist scripture for their own use.  So no engagement, no argument.  Get it?  That’s a yes or no answer.  For example...
Some ladies used to make things for the elderly in nursing homes, a true ministry, and gave them away.  Meeting each week, they fellowshipped, made the items, and were blessed.  Until one time some Mormon women arrived, wanting to participate.  The pastor thought it a chance to evangelize them, but they all agreed to not share or talk about doctrines.  Seems the evil had arrived and taken over.  Soon the group was mostly Mormon women, who had infiltrated the Christian setting, and the women started to leave.  The Mormons had been successful, the pastor wrong, and the free items then were sold to the needy instead of given freely.  Net result, no more ministry, and when tried again, the church reminded them of how it failed last time.  The church failed, scripture didn’t, and evil won out.  Seems old John knew of what he was talking about. 
So God made it easy to become a Christian.  Do you acknowledge Jesus as deity?  Do you believe he died for your sins?  Will you repent and acknowledge him as your savior?  And when true to the spirit, you are saved.  Notice all questions require a yes or no answer.  No diatribe or theological discourse.  God tells you “let your yes be yes and no be no.”  He mad the gospel simple so we can get, free so we can afford it.  Not multiple choice.
So are you sure you are going to heaven?  No time to philosophize now.  Either you are saved or you aren’t, no maybes in heaven, those  who didn’t decide did so by not saying yes.  Only God gives us the right to say no, and to say yes.  Based on love and forgiveness in Jesus Christ.  Maybe an interview on TBN years ago explains it best.  A man radically saved from cancer was being interviewed.  He was being pressed to tell if TBN influenced his miracle, what scripture, what teacher, what show saved him?  His answer was simple, “all I know is Jesus.”  By his answer he admitted he knew it all.  For no man or teacher can do what Jesus does, heal and save.  Finally after many attempts at getting another answer, they moved on.  Was this show selling Jesus or themselves?  Only in the spirit  do you know, the answer is them first, then Jesus.  But those who truly know Jesus and not entangled in religion get it.  Do you?
Or you can be like I did once.  Below the test page was a line that said “do not write below this line?”  So I asked why?  And I am still waiting for an answer.  Still don’t know Jesus?  Here’s your chance.  You have just heard the gospel, do you see him as God?  A simple yes or no will do....
love with compassion,