Monday, June 4, 2012

signs and wanderers

I saw an interesting sign the other day while riding in a neighborhood. It warned of a deaf child living there. Big letters that could even be seen while talking or texting. But yet I was the only one who slowed, almost getting rear ended. Her dirty look said it all. For years, we have had the sign that says "Slow children," and I have always wondered what makes them children slow? But since it is ignored, I soon expect a politically correct sign to take it's place, much in the vein of the deaf child warning. It will say "Special education children," and we will all react different to it. At least at first, for we don't want to hit anyone. We can't have no slow children here. Remember that when driving too fast where kids are next time, they may be slow, but some grow up into slow adults. I won't mention any names here, the list would be too long.
For some it is just the lack of the sense of common. Or the inability to think for themselves. When my neighbor got a new truck, his wife was upset because she had to put the key in the door to open it, but was ok after being shown how. And her son had to learn, like a nephew of mine, how to open windows. "What are these handles for Auntie?" he asked Theresa when he couldn't find the switches. But our neighbors kid had already figured them out, the salesman had explained them, and he showed them off to his friends as a novelty. "Check this out, the windows go down with these handles..." And of course, all the kids had to try.
Still don't believe the signs? When about 10, we are at my Grandparent's house, and Christopher wants to use the phone. Only he can't figure it out-it has a dial instead of buttons. But with a little instruction he mastered it, and a whole generation was saved. And of course progress had taught us it is easier to change phones yearly than keep the one given to us for life that never broke years ago. But the latest one really scares me, and these kids must be really slow. You've seen the dishwasher soap that comes in a capsule, looking like hard candy? It seems many kids are being rushed to the ER after eating it, thinking it is candy. My question is, what kind of stupid kid after putting it in his mouth, cannot immediately tell it is not candy? How much chewing, and then swallowing of this soap must he endure before he realizes it isn't candy? Maybe the radiation from cell phones does effect your brain-or at least your taste buds. Rest assured it will have a warning on it soon-do not eat. I wonder does he have a slow children marker in front of his house? So here is the newest entrepreneurial opportunity-Start a fad-make the first slow adult sign! Sell them in packs of 10! But change the graphics-why is it the slow children are seen running on the sign? Put someone on it who can't dial a phone, or roll down a window. Nostalgia and safety-hope the government isn't listening.
The Apostle Paul in Galatians was writing to some slow Christians. People who had come to Jesus, but immediately fell into religion, or went back to their own ways. They had "Jesus and do this" added to the gospel, or you must follow these rules, or pay this, or whatever. Straying under the influence to other Gods. Instead of being rooted in the gospel via teachings and good fellowship, they chose to listen to false teachers, and then followed them. To which Paul's heart broke, and after issuing a warning tells them they never knew Jesus, and sadly He never knew them. He speaks of a personal relationship, that born again instant where you are saved, and wish to know Jesus better. You truly wish to know God, but go on living like before. Listening to those no smarter than you. "Just go to church, follow a family tradition and you will be fine." Like so many are told today. And sadly the so many are wrong-as Matthew 25 tells us. Here they are bragging to Jesus what they have done for Him-not ever knowing it is what He has done for us! "We cast out demons in your name, prophesied, had book sales, special programs. We even had mission days, or sold out altogether and now we are only a missions church. Just look at our programs, and the list of good men who are our elders. We met all of our financial goals last year, we are great!" And Jesus replied, "be gone from me, I never knew you." For there is no relationship there with Him. For it is not about us and what we can do for Him, but about who He is and what He has done for us. And as I am out and talking to many others who attend these churches, maybe a "deaf Christian" sign should be placed in front of their building. They don't listen to the gospel. Or more accurately-"Slow Christians!" For they just don't get it. They have chosen to follow a religion just as dangerous as eating dishwasher soap. And are stuck with a phone and no way to call out! They can't even open their windows to call for help! Beware these people and do not fall into the same trap they did.
The truth will set you free, and is a person-Jesus Christ. He is the door, He is the one to call in times of need. Let no person, church, religion, or habit stand between you and Him. He only wants the best for you, for there are no slow Christians in heaven-just Christians. We are warned that some seek signs and wonders, yet some ignore the signs and wander. Jesus is ready to accept you right now, as you are. Tear down the signs, and get to know Him personally. Get ready to hear "well done my good and faithful servant."
God travels at the speed of light, maybe we are slow. But we don't have to be. Trust God today, and watch as your whole world brightens. God didn't send a text message, He sent His son. He made it personal. Don't you think it's about time you do too?
love with compassion,