Thursday, October 15, 2015

Dependence Day

Independence Day has been popularly known as The 4th of July, the date it always falls on.  By definition that is correct, but how many Independence Day sales do you see?  To me I see mostly the 4th, and it is probably entered into our lexicon as such.  What are your plans for the 4th?  But July 4th was the day the 13 colonies, not yet the US of A signed the Declaration of Independence, maybe it should be Declaration Day.  A day when men of vision and courage declared their independence from Britain, the land that later would bring us Norton’s BSA’s, and Triumphs.  Also MG’s, Jaguars, and Land Rovers.  But it was not the motor trade they wanted to be set free from, that was some 150 years to come, but tyranny under a King some 3 time zones away, who had never set ground on this new land, yet imposed power over them.  And in doing so they declared that all men were created equal, acknowledging their was a creator.  And that they would be free to pursue happiness without laws to hinder them.  They were true rebels in a strange land, traitors to the Crown, and stood to lose everything they had worked for.  John Hancock even signing so large the king could see his signature without his bifocals.  They were brave, driven, and had a sense of purpose few have had, or ever would have.  They had vision.  They risked all, but had all to gain.  And we stand today in awe of them, and thankful.
But to most it is only the 4th, a 3 day weekend, or an extra day off.  Maybe that is why I like the Hollister Independence Day Rally, which coincides with the 4th, but is based on freedom rather than the date.  And truly only those who ride, who get it enjoy true freedom.  The wind in our faces, no doors and windshields to hide behind, and no climate controlled environment.  Get cold, put on a jacket.  Get warm again, take it off.  But we have the freedom to choose, and only in freedom do you have that freedom to choose.  Two wheels or four.  Right or wrong, you either reap the rewards, or pay the penalty.  And although there may be outside influences, we still get to choose in the US of A today. 
But we find another independence day when we come to Christ.  We are set free from our sin, we find liberty in his love, in the spirit.  But Jesus Christ also demands a decision, and his love is not forced on anyone.  We can choose him and choose life, or deny him and choose death.  True love demands a choice, and those who have chosen Christ know that. But when we come to him, we also run into the dichotomy of dependence.  Free to choose and set free, but free to choose and also be dependent on him.  And without the spirit’s guiding it can be confusing.  A few years back at a biker rally a young girl came up and saw my Christian shirt.  She wanted to know where I went to church and what they believed.  She was looking, but not prepared for my answer.  She had gotten church rhetoric, I offered her a choice.  I told her what I believed, or rather who I believed in.  I told her “I can drink, do drugs, chase women, and cheat on my wife if I like.  But I choose not to, because I found freedom in Jesus Christ, who guides me by his love via his spirit.  Religion has rules, I have Jesus, and there is a difference.”  Her answer was “I want to go to a church like that.”  Freedom of choice, to follow or to lead, and I choose to follow.  Because Jesus is the great shepherd, and I need to be led.  I easily can go astray, without Jesus it is a given, but in Christ when spirit led, I am guided, and able to make a better choices.  And forgiven when I fail.
Psalm 23, the official Psalm of funerals everywhere, should be read and lived long before death.  Because it truly offers life in Christ.  “I shall not want...” says David, and we want a lot.  But in it we are offered two choices, follow Jesus and don’t want, follow myself and want.  And the evidence is obvious, if in want you are not following Jesus.  Follow your career and want, not following Christ.  If education is our answer, we are disillusioned and lost.  If we worship our rides, we are wondering rather than wandering, hopelessly seeking direction.  If another person is our shepherd, we lose direction and get disappointed.  Drugs and alcohol, wasted.  Lust for what we don’t have, we are chasing our tails, like a little kitten, who finally falls over exhausted.  Like chasing your shadow, you can come close, but it will always avoid you. 
But to follow Christ we must be dependent on him, we need to have a Dependence Day in him, when we realize we are like sheep, the dumbest animals on earth, and we cannot make it alone.  We need a savior, and also a master to guide us, to provide for us.  To never leave us or forsake us.  To never take a 3 day weekend when we need him.  We need to be humble in Christ before we become humiliated in the world, we must admit we need a shepherd to lead us, or we will go astray.  And when I admit that Jesus is my savior, I find the truth in David’s words, “I shall not want.”
Babies cry because they want, they just don’t know what.  Or is it us who cannot understand the whining and crying?  Before the world sticks a bottle in your mouth to shut you up, come to Jesus.  You will find like I do I really don’t know what I need, yet everyone will give me advice.  I don’t need opinions, I need truth, and Jesus is truth.  A shepherd’s job is to protect his flock, who is shepherding you?
So celebrate your independence in Christ by becoming dependent on him.  Celebrate Dependence by realizing you are a sheep that has gone astray, and all your talents, good looks, money and connections will not make it for you.  You need the Great Shepherd, who you can know by name.  For like sheep we have all gone astray...and it is our choice.  Find freedom in Christ, not more rules like in religion.  Be who you are molded in him, not molded or bound by legalistic rhetoric.  When you become dependent on Jesus, and are free from want, you experience a true independence no contract or agreement can offer.  The signers of the D of I offered us this freedom 200+ years ago, Jesus offered true freedom, and independence through dependence 2000 years ago.  Let me choose, and I choose to be free from want.  All I want is Jesus.  Now that’s freedom.  And you know you could still be riding on the wrong side of the road.
love with compassion,