Monday, October 31, 2011

the four seasons of love, part 1-fall

Unto everything there is a season. The Byrds taught us that in the sixties in their song "Turn, Turn, Turn." So many sang it and even quoted it, never realizing they were quoting the book of Ecclesiastes. A season which brought Roger McGuinn, lead guitarist to the Lord. A season where he first fell in love with Jesus. A time he learned that love isn't seasonal, but eternal.
The first year being a sophomore in our town meant going to the high school, we still had junior and senior highs in those days. And as scary as it was, the stories were told of how sophomores would be singled out and sometimes beat up, we went warily, but excitedly, being the underclassmen, as we were no longer the big shots like last year. That day had passed. And on the first days of school that fall, we noticed many things. Girls in particular. They had all grown up over the summer.
The once time tomboy with braces, somehow had turned into a woman, with curves and everything. Her hair even had style, and as you looked at yourself, you still looked the same, and as you stopped to talk to her you realized with her new found beauty, she now had confidence-which scared you! Was she going to give me all the grief I once gave her? Even her braces were gone, no more "tin grin" jokes here. Truly you had to look at her from a new perspective. You had to act mature, even if you weren't? I can still feel my face breaking out. How bad did it really show? Do you think she noticed?
But taking time to meet her, you found her to be nice, and forgiving of you, and wondered if she was always that nice. Her mother later would tell you her little baby was always this sweet. You found opportunities to sit by her in class, maybe even walk by her locker. And you knew her friends, and sadly she knew yours. Hopefully you had grown up enough to not act like them. Then the word got out she thought you were pretty cute, which only brought out more zits in the excitement, and after stressing and with the help of lots of Clearasil, you asked her to the dance on Saturday night. The first big dance, with a live band, and it was advertised "Stag or Drag." And once someone more sophisticated than you, one of her friends, explained drag meant a date, you understood the discount. Which if she said no at first, would be your fall back position, "see it would make sense to go together, save a buck." So when she said yes the first time, and you didn't have to go to plan B, it was almost disheartening, for you had practiced all weekend, never thinking she-beautiful and grown up, would go with you, zits and all. But she said yes, and the five days to Saturday seemed like they only took two weeks. Good thing Mom bought you the BIG tube of Clearasil!
After going in with her, and trying to talk over the loud music, you realized you were going to have to dance eventually. Sadly your whole history of dancing was with your friends, who would make fun of the others. Panic time! But you asked, something cool like "wannadance," all one word, she accepted, and found out later she was just as scared as you. Maybe all that cold sweat was for nothing! Note-extra Right Guard next time. And then they played a slow dance. The time you had dreamed of. As you put your arms around her, while concentrating on your feet, so as to not step on hers, you felt her next to you, closer than ever before. She even felt like a woman. And as you put your arms around her shoulders, she put hers around your waist. HEAVEN! This was too good to be true! She was hugging back! And she wasn't my aunt or my mother. And for the next three minutes, nothing else in the world mattered. Did the music really have to stop? And as you two went to sit down, you were exhausted, you didn't know slow dancing took so much energy. Then she took your hand-and held it in hers. So you squeezed it back, she smiled, and no words could express the feeling-you liked her-and better yet, she liked you!
The rest of the dance was a blur, as it went so fast. Good times always seem to do that. And when the dance ended at 11, she had until midnight to be home. And you used every minute of it to walk her home, not wanting to want the evening to end, making every second last. Holding hands. Finally a kiss-WOW, and then home. She said she would call to make sure you made it OK. And even though you would face your parents wrath for being late-you were to be home at 1130, it was worth it. Time can be so short and cruel when in love.
Your whole life changed that night, as later she would wear your ID bracelet, and sit with you at lunch-without your friends to poke fun at you, they were so immature. There would be weekends at the mall, bowling nights, Saturday afternoons at the football game, where she thought you were so smart knowing so much about sports, and the pizza parlor after with friends. Homework together only an excuse to see her. Even holding hands on cold evenings with gloves on was special. She was your first love, and although there would be others, she would be the one that all others would be compared to. Hopefully she too, would remember her first dance, first hug, first holding of hands, and then her first kiss. And you hoped it would be the kiss all others, including her husbands, would be compared too. For fall dances meant new love, and a whole school year with her to enjoy it.
When you came to Christ, the time came when you discovered how much He really loved you. More than a sentence to death in Sunday School, or having to go to church, now you wanted to. With others who were saved also. And the change in you was dramatic, just like when you met the girl who was transformed over the summer. You still looked the same, but inside beat a new heart. With new attitudes, that caused new actions. And life was worth the living, because Jesus lived in your heart.
But somewhere along the way, life interfered, and the light dimmed with Him. He didn't change, you did. And as you did different things, you found yourself comparing them to Jesus, as your first love. And nothing ever compared to living for Him. Even though you tried, cars, girls, vacations, and even motorcycles couldn't take His place. He was your first love. So if you find yourself singing this tune today, it's time to return to your first love. Come home to Jesus. He will welcome you with open arms. He misses you too. And you will wonder why you ever wandered from your first love.
First loves are like that. You will always look back fondly to your first girlfriend. Some call it the good old days. But Jesus tells us these are the good old days. And they stretch into tomorrow, next month, next year, and into eternity. Roads that don't end, with the one who first loved you along-Jesus. Return to Him now, so many roads, and so little time. But He knows, and provides eternity-to ride with Him.
Romance may come and go in a season. The love of Jesus lasts forever.
love with compassion,