Tuesday, January 28, 2020

the light blue Ford van at the bottom of the hill

When Interstate 78 opened in Jersey, it was like opening up a race course for us.  With no freeways like California, and very few places to go fast, when the part of it opened by where I lived, we were drawn to it.  Miles of open road with no traffic, and at least for awhile, no police.  Drag racing, top speed runs, and seeing what she’ll do were all conducted here.  The excuse being it was a good place to blow the carbon out of the older cars, and newer ones too.  Wind out all the gears, give the car a free tune up by blowing out all the built up carbon, and it’ll run better when done.  Somehow knowing just when to pull off and avoid detection or capture.  New Jersey State Police at the time looked and acted like storm troopers, with no mercy offered or shown.  Add in the new 55 mph law, and they went crazy writing tickets for 56 or 57 mph.  Only in Jersey....
But at the bottom of a long grade, at one time a great place to test top speed, right before I-287 going east, sat a light blue Ford van in the median.  For years it sat there, you could see it from the top, and it was a police vehicle monitoring your speed, and then having you pulled over and ticketed up the road.  It was almost legendary as it sat there for years, it seemed everyone I knew knew about it, but yet the temptation to speed and avoid getting caught didn’t deter many.  “Didn’t you know the van was there?”  “Yeah, but I thought maybe...”  and ended up cited.  One late afternoon Lance and late one afternoon sat up on the terraced hillside watching them in action, we kept betting on the speeder, but to no avail.  It seems that even then someone was always watching, and out to spoil a good time.  Another reason to hate New Jersey as if you didn’t have enough already.....
It seems that we all think we can ride under the radar, that it will always be the other guy but never me.  Which was true in one case, following Rex the Colorado trooper locked in on him,but I saw  him and slowed down soon enough, he even admitted “you were speeding, I just couldn’t lock on both of you.”  At least he was being honest, I wonder if the sudden nose dive of my front end when panic braking was a give away?  After many tickets and losing my license once and going to traffic school, I learned how fragile a driver’s license could be if I wanted to go fast.  But it seems that not only my license is fragile, but also my body and mind, the scripture referring to us as cracked pots, no one mentioned here by name, and our need for a savior and a spirit to guide us.  Paul writes in Corinthians, “we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed.  Perplexed, but not in despair.  Persecuted but not abandoned, struck down but not destroyed.”  Ever have a day like that?  But hope is offered and given, as we carry the spirit of Jesus about in our bodies with us, to prove we cannot do it alone, and that help is always available.  A dying of our old self, and placing trust in Jesus, so we can truly call him Lord, and let him be Lord of our life.  And it ends so that the life of Jesus may be seen via our mortal body. 
Any time I was pulled over I felt hard pressed, guilty if even not doing anything wrong.  I was perplexed, wondering what I did this time.  I felt alone with no defense, but somehow lived to ride another day, and another ticket.  Life I found is like that also, cruising along and them tragedy strikes, and I feel all alone, being picked on, and wondering why, what is going on?  Seems Jesus knew all about the cracked pots that his spirit is contained in, and is teaching me not to rely on myself, but on him.  I am frail and mortal, feeling more of frail part everyday, but knowing that he never leaves me nor forsakes me.  And even when Satan in a blue van persecutes, he is with me then too, my judge and advocate.  If only I would get that on a regular basis...
So even us cracked pots have a chance, and another lesson learned, how our reaction is more important than our actions.  When we learn that the all surpassing power is from God, I now react differently, and avoid danger spots I once fell into.  Knowing the blue van is there and slowing down for it are two different things.  How you respond to temptation or a trial tells us a lot about the Jesus we preach about.  We don’t like the tests, but in each one get to see a side of Jesus we otherwise would have missed.  Making even the answer to “would you rather drive fast and lose your license or sanely and keep it?”  Sounds simple, until that open stretch of road.....the key is not ending up on the side of it. 
So remember you are carrying the body of Jesus, his holy spirit within you.  Rely on his power and strength, along with his wisdom.  Or of course you could blame the cops, or even the company who made such a fast bike.  They won’t suffer, only you will.  There are many light blue Ford vans just waiting to run your fun, to cause you grief, to upset your day.  Some hidden, some in plain view.  It is how you react to them that makes the difference, so many of my wounds are self inflicted form being stupid.  And stupid hurts, it’s supposed to.  But we always have Jesus there to console us.  Until the next time, let the beauty of Jesus be revealed in the cracked pot you are.  Let his light shine through the cracks.  Letting his light guide you.  Traffic court is no place to spend your day off....and it sure beats taking the bus!  Beware, the blue van waitith for you!
love with compassion,
