Thursday, November 7, 2013

not so wise men

It is the summer of 1974, and streaking is the latest fad.  In case you don’t remember, streaking is taking off all your clothes, and running naked through the crowd.  It was done at football games, baseball games, media events, and any place that the person would and could get attention.  Very rarely done by women, it was usually men who should have kept their clothes on, as both viewer and streaker were afforded eye protection by their covering.  But this one hot summer afternoon in Piscataway, we were hanging out when we should have been riding.  First clue that trouble was brewing.  The three of us were talking about motorcycles, women, and motorcycles, maybe not in that order.  When one suggested, that we should streak downtown Bound Brook on our motorcycles.  After a lengthy 2 minute discussion, it was decided we would, so we closed the garage door-for privacy, and stripped down, then took off the 3 miles to downtown.  Of course wearing our helmets, as New Jersey did and does have a helmet law, we didn’t want to get a ticket.  We hadn’t taken into consideration that the seats would get hot in the sun, or that all the bugs our clothing had shielded us from now hit us directly-and how they could get places no bugs should go.  We had successfully cruised Main Street once, and then turned around, no spectators or people anywhere, bumming us out, so we were heading home when the light turned red.  Being good citizens, we stopped, but so did the cop next to us-and the race was on, back to the garage.  Now we had a distinct advantage, that speed and fear of apprehension when mixed with adrenalin create.  And we rode at speeds close to 100 mph, braking hard into the parking lot, then unlocking the garage, pulling in, and slamming the door behind us.  As we struggled to get dressed, the policeman started banging on the door-and we got even more scared-we had never considered being arrested and taken to jail naked, so ignored him.  After repeated threats of breaking the door down-ah, the good old days, we finally opened the door, fully dressed, as the officer looked at us with amazement.  He knew what he had seen, or at least thought he did, now all he saw was three fully clothed riders.  And as he kept accusing us of streaking Main Street, we kept denying it.  And with our 3 against his 1, he finally left, threatening that he was watching us now, had our license plates, and if we even got out of line anywhere for any reason, there would be repercussions.  Whatever they were.  Funny because Bouke was already known locally, and had also driven his Corvette through the front door of the Grand Union, and our three bikes were unique-they were at least known within the biking community.  But we had ridden naked, outrun the police, won a confrontation with them, and were still alive to ride another day.  But never, ever would we ride naked again...we had become a legend as the word spread, with no photos to back it up, only an upset peace officer who was the only one to have seen it all...who would believe him?  You’ll just have to take my word for this one, as no record, photos, or spectators ever saw us...we were still a generation from cell phones, digital cameras, and Go Pros, but I wonder, hmmmm?  Nah...once was enough.
I fully expect people to doubt the Bible when I share it with non-believers.  But I am amazed at how when you add your testimony to it, that they believe your story.  That somehow your words carry more weight than the words of Jesus, or any scripture because you were there.  So I have found over the years, that sharing a testimony of what God has done for you in a similar situation is well received.  Like the song says, “what He’s done for others, He’ll do for you,” and they may doubt God, but trust you.  Go figure.  Which in itself makes no sense, but we live in a world where believing is seeing, which takes no faith.  Which in this day of Photoshop, to me takes great faith, as anyone can doctor their photo, or substitute it with another, with the viewer never knowing.  Placing it right up there with the letters I get from millionaires from Africa, who will trust someone they never met with their millions, if only you will help.  No evidence there, but yet so many fall prey to the lies.  It is almost like if it is too good to be true they believe it, but when it is true, they falter.  So don’t hesitate to share what Jesus has done for you...your testimony and the blood of the lamb leads to salvation.  And there is no better gospel you will ever know than your own testimony-you were there!  And so apply the same belief system to the Bible-the guys who wrote it were there, as was God who inspired it.  But it takes trust, not understanding, to believe, and to see lives changed.  Fortunately the change part is up to Jesus, you just share.  He has already provided you the testimony-although about you without Him you don’t have one, and He will provide the words when needed.  So why aren’t you sharing more?
40 years ago three not so wise men decided to go streaking on their motorcycles, and it became part of their testimony.  For the record, I wasn’t saved.  But yet it happened, and I was there, even if there is no evidence to prove it.   2000 years ago, based on insight from God, some wise men, the number never mentioned, travelled afar to see the birth of a savior, bringing gifts that were traditionally used for burial purpose to the baby shower.  Because God told them too, and today their story is recorded in the best selling book ever, and we hear it over and over again at Christmas.  Wise men were seeking Him then, and wise men still seek Him today.  But unlike Lexus and their pursuit of perfection, Jesus is reachable, and you can find perfection in Him.  He is the millionaire from overseas who promise riches and delivers.  Who while wrapped in swaddling clothes, burial strips of cloth, was already changing the world.  Someone rather than something to consider with your life.
Your testimony started the day you were born, and will continue into heaven.  In our two minute testimonies, it is 30 seconds of how we were, 30 seconds of how we were saved, and one minute of how Jesus has changed our lives.  Question and answer period to follow.  And we all have one...all works in process.  And like Jesus tells us, if all the stories were written, no library could hold them.  No web site ever created can equal what God has done and is doing, and wants to do in your life.  So keep your shirt on, and everything more like the wise men than 3 not so wise men.  At least we weren’t breaking any laws that day, we did have our helmets on! Just ask the cop-seeing is believing, I wonder what his report stated that day.  Chased three naked men on motorcycles into a garage at high I see a possible movie here?
love with compassion,