Friday, October 22, 2010

hecho en california

God's timing is perfect. So, the next time you question it, consider the following. What if Noah, was to build the ark in California, today? What if the world's first zookeeper, was faced with building the ark, in Los Angeles? First, don't they already have a zoo. Why do we need another? Can you imagine trying to get a building permit for an ark? Would that be an "other" on the application? Do you get a building permit, or a ship building permit? And how much it would cost? Fees? Ever try to explain an ark to someone who has never seen one? How about an environmental impact study? What about all the little critters that would be displaced? When you are trying to really rescue them? The unions-you know they would want a part of the action, what only one employee? Are you sure your articles of incorporation are filed correctly? And animal control would have a field day passing out tickets for dealing with endangered species. Who would supply the lumber? Beaver wood would have to be imported, could take weeks to get it through customs. And what ships would bring it? At a proposed 450' x 75' x 45', until 1884 it would have been the largest water going vessel ever built. Is there room in Long Beach by the Queen Mary? And the neighbors want to know if it will block their view? How will it effect their property values?
Can you imagine the SCE bill each month? For 120 years? Can you imagine the design for waste water control? Were the roads to the ark improved? Did he have a fire plan, and an evacuation plan? What about exotic animal permits? How many semi-trailers of food would he need to take with him? Does he have a restaurant license? Would food and beverage have to make sure he had a three tub sink? Were the correct alarms installed, and were the police notified? And finally, was there access for the handicapped? Did he plan for wheelchair access? Who will handle your publicity campaign? Make sure you have at least one from each minority-or we will shut you down-and they call that affirmative action? Did you mention God? Great. Are the Muslims going to be allowed to build one next to it?
And where would he ever get the funding for the ark? What would their line of credit be? And can you see the board of equalization's eyes light up when it comes time to levy a tax on it? Recreational, residential, or industrial? Ask DMV. Would he need license plates? A boating license, and life preservers? Did he know CPR? And the neighbors would like to know, are you going to work on that at night? Another permit.
And what took one man only 120 years, may still be held up in committee. Just can't have an ark built anywhere, soon others will build one, and pretty soon we have an ark-a -demic! Sorry, Noah, can't do it. Try again next year, the council just isn't pro growth this year.
And you ask yourself, is there nothing that man, left to his own elements, cannot screw up beyond recognition? Maybe that is why the second law of thermodynamics disproves evolution and its convoluted theory. It simply states that everything is in a constant state of atrophy-in other words, it is getting smaller, not evolving. Look around, if you ever need an example, look to any government for a sterling example. Be careful using the federal government-you will be overwhelmed. Evolution out of control.
So why do so many look to the government to help-they will eventually charge you, trust me- when God offers assistance for free? And can even help with the paper work? Maybe the small mind that cannot imagine the size of the ark, can not imagine the size of our God. If they can't figure it out, surely no one can, their pride tells them. Yet, like the ark was designed to save 8 people, and restore them on a changed earth, today He promises Jesus to call us home, and then after seven years of no God on earth, restore it for 1000 years of perfection-one final chance to serve Him, before the new heaven and the new earth are created.
Like science fiction? Propose a story like this to your editor. And he'll love it, until you tell him it was written 2000 years ago, and is published in a best selling book. Take it to Hollywood, just don't tell them who inspired it. 3D? No comparison to God's dimensions. But yet the sad thing is, you could probably tell the story before the ark was ever built.
And so God did, at the right time build the ark. And at the right time send Jesus, while we were still sinners. And today is the day of salvation, the right time! You may have missed the ark, don't miss Jesus. You don't want to go to hell-I hear the paperwork don't! Accept Jesus-verbal applications only! Say yes today-I'd rather have my benevolent father watching than their big brother!
love with compassion,