Monday, March 27, 2017

Johnny wore no bottom rocker

My good friend has been around motorcycling his whole professional career. From building and tuning 200 mph machines at Daytona to building 120 hp Harleys that only go 70, the rider’s choice, the power is there, he was confused when he asked a friend of his, who is in a club, to go riding, and was told he couldn’t.  It was out of his area, and he had certain boundaries he had to stay in, his protected territory.  Isn’t motorcycling about freedom?  Could you imagine telling Johnny in the Wild One, “sorry Johnny, you can only ride here...” or Chino for that matter.  But yet this guy and his club members are restricted by a patch that says what is their territory.  He understands better now why I ride alone.
At one time I was a mover and shaker in an international Christian motorcycle ministry.  At least they had it planned that way for me, but I didn’t ride their brand.  Obey their rules, I rode too fast, too far.  I enjoyed the ride too much, and when asked to assume a national position, and read their handbook, which I was to agree to and sign that I did, I was asked to leave.  After they removed me from their rolls after 34 years.  They wore Jesus patches on their vests, passed out tracts, and told about the freedom in Christ, but I had to sign that the ministry and its rules came first.  Among them I would pay a certain percent of my tithes to them-wrong. You cannot take an offering, they do.  Maybe the love of money is the root of all evil.  But when I was told I couldn’t take communion at a meeting, even in my own home, I rebelled, they were busted, and I was removed.  Doesn’t Jesus teach about communion “do this in remembrance of me?”  They claimed they didn’t want to offend anyone, but to offend Jesus was OK.  Surprising, to them not to me, when I serve communion among our flock made up of many denominations, no on ever complains.  They want to take communion, funny they tried to take my money, and my relationship with God, all in his name.  And I was the rebel....
So where is this freedom we talk about?  That we share about, that we tell people Jesus is all about?  Not reflected in a Bible study I used to attend, when one night the subject was the Holy Spirit.  And how he guides.  After praying “holy spirit come,” and then setting down the rules.  Another place I used to go, I did leave on my own a free man, though.  In all their Bible teaching, studying, and note taking they missed the fact that upon salvation, Jesus places his spirit within you.  We turn our back on him, he never leaves us or forsakes us.  And they were inviting him in?  So much for freedom in the spirit when rules are applied, they were going to teach us how to be holy.  But without the spirit guiding you will never be whole!  Maybe my problem was and is I want all of Jesus can get.  I want all the love and blessings he can give, without any restrictions.  Is it possible that Johnny in the Wild One lived a freedom, understood a freedom better than is taught in some churches?  Or shown in some ministries?  Are you free only because you believe like they do and are accepted? 
So I continue to upset the church and their religion with love.  I share communion with those not part of any denomination.  We pray together, study together, and grow together.  In the spirit.  We have a freedom that is threatening to those under the law, of which Jesus came to abolish.  He established grace, where salvation is free, we are forgiven without ceremony, and we are given only one law, “Love God with all your heart and  love your neighbor as yourself.”  The church, denominations, club rules, and even families will change lives, only Jesus changes the heart.  So that when we change from the inside, it is reflected on the outside.  The inside that only God sees, the outside we try to cover up and make presentable, so we are accepted.  Again Jesus set the example, he accepts us as we are, he just doesn’t want to leave us that way.  Next time you sing about wanting to be like Jesus remember that. 
So what is this freedom Jesus talks of?  Maybe best described in action.  I was approached at a biker rally one night by a young girl interested in what my church believed.  She had seen my Christian shirt, and immediately thought church instead of Jesus.  I explained freedom as “I can do anything I want, to whoever I want, whenever I want.  I can ask her out, even though I am married.  I can drink and get drunk.  I can do drugs.  But I choose not to, because I have the freedom in the spirit to also say no.  I can be everything in Christ he has for me, far beyond any of my wildest dreams, which can be pretty wild.”  Just when I thought I had scared her off, she replied, “that’s what I want.  Is there more to Jesus than church and religion?  If asked what would Jesus do, do you have to ask?  If you are in the spirit you know, for he gives you wisdom, and the freedom to choose.  He gives you reasons to say yes, and loves you when you say no.  I’m still looking for a club, ministry, or a church like that.  But I have found all I desire in Jesus Christ.
Now I am not anti-club or anti-church, but when they take away my freedom, I always fall back on Jesus.  On his spirit.  Where there is found liberty.  Do you seek the spirit while he is near?  Or is he a once a week, an hour a service relationship?  I once was told by a boss “it only makes sense not to bring God to work.”  I was gone a while later.  Losing a high paying job, but opening up a door to ride and travel way beyond my wildest dreams.  The freedom to say yes to Jesus, and face the consequences, for all things work together for those who love God and are called to his purpose.  His purpose is Jesus Christ.  Who’s yours?
And so I claim to have this condition called motorcycling, I love all aspects of it.  But I enjoy the freedom to ride what I want, when I want, where I want, with whoever I want.  The same condition exists in my walk with Christ.  I can be who I am in him, a full time job if you know me, and he still loves me as I am.  I now know that you cannot just teach about Jesus, he must be experienced.  And when you do the best times are without words.  They are that personal.  Making Jesus maybe the worst law breaker of all times, at least to the Pharisees and religion.  With only love being the cure.   Wanting more Jesus, trust the spirit.  He led you to Christ, he hasn’t abandoned you.  Repent and go on, your spirit in his loving arms, and you will know.  No boundaries, no rules, no brand specific claims.  No denominational conflicts, all the power you need when you need it.  Of course Jesus says it best in Luke,
“The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me,
Because He has anointed Me
To preach the gospel to
He has sent Me
to heal the brokenhearted,[fn]
To proclaim liberty to the captives
And recovery of sight to
 set at liberty those who are 
that’s the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Or Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is,there is liberty.  Freedom and liberty, mentioned 28 times in the Bible. 
Yet with a warning, While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.
Maybe we need to ask the same question that girl asked me that night, “is there more to Jesus than church and religion?”  There is in the spirit.  And he is calling you now to that freedom.  That liberty, that time off from the rules that bind.  To show you love, give you wisdom, and bless you abundantly.  Johnny and Chino had a glimpse of this freedom, only without Jesus.  Overcome by rules, religion, and what to ride?  How to worship?  Be a true rebel today in Christ, in the spirit.  And enjoy the ride more.  I am.  Club or no club, which church, or church at all?  Jesus and riding a motorcycle, two freedoms you don’t want to miss.  In that order.  And did anyone notice, Johnny wore no bottom rocker?
love with compassion,