Monday, August 18, 2014

it's just love

The attitude of summertime is wearing down as kids are going back to school.  A time when the girl you met who stayed with your best friend is leaving for home, and many a summer romance is coming to an end.  Some may continue into the school year, but each new September is a new proving ground for summer loves, and the dreams and promises that went with them. For each September, that chubby girl who sat next to you and was so annoying, lost 20 pounds, or shifted it up, and now she won’t talk to you.  If only you had known.  That skinny girl who wore too much Clearasil suddenly has a fresh complexion, and the geeky girl with the braces had them removed, and the nerdy for eyes is wearing contacts.  Summer has made a huge change in many of the girls when I was growing up, and from 8th grade through high school, every summer meant new love.  And perhaps some of the best two month romances I ever had.  Very few continued into the school year, and when they did were short lived.  For all the above mentioned reasons.  For there is nothing more romantic than falling in love, and watching her feel the same way about you as you do about her.  But while your roaming eye is checking out the new talent, so is hers, and the “I’ll never leave you for another one,” fades into just another memory in the fall.  Oh, but those hot summer nights... and to be young again.  After a quick moment, no thanks.
I have been married to the girl of my dreams, Theresa, for over 36 years.  If I had to make a list of everything I wanted in a woman, she is it, and even more things God knew and I didn’t.  She rides, cooks, and loves Jesus, who could as for more?  Yet I see many, too many in their late forties, divorcing.  And it is never their fault.  I could never imagine dating again, of doing the whole dating scene, but yet I see and talk to many, and am shocked when I meet their new spouse.  Maybe their summer lasted a few years, but the September exchange sure looks different than I remember it to be.  Why not invest all that time and energy into the one you vowed to never leave nor forsake, and look ahead together, rather than back alone?  Take your wife on a date, send her some chocolate, as reminded by a bumper sticker I saw today, “I rather fall into chocolate than fall in love.’  From her size, she fell many times and never really left the M&M’s behind.  But there is a certain romance about my wife of many years, and till death do us part had a special meaning when I almost did a few years ago.  Love and respect still go along way, and have never gone out of style.
At the last wedding I did, I introduced the groom’s parents, and had them stand and applaud them for over 30 years of marriage.  Sadly her mother, was there with her boyfriend, husband #2 gave away the bride, and husband #1 paid the bill.  And so I gave them advice, good advice, “you may not always be in love, but honor your commitment.”  And I can tell you personally that if love is only an emotion, that commitment will be short lived.  And what kind of example are you leaving for any children?  And so during the ceremony, I shared about Adam and Eve, the first marriage, and the first family.  And how excited Adam must have been when he woke up and saw Eve.  Ho would he not love her, she was made form him, and a part of him, and apart from him she would never be whole.  And so I had them close their eyes, just before the vows, and open them after.  Just to get the effect of what Adam and Eve saw, and their faces were aglow-and I pray that that  glow lasts until death do they part.  But it takes commitment, and a vulnerability, a trust that you can not have with another for the two to become one.  And a reason I see so many struggling in their relationship with Jesus. 
I was taught early in my Christian walk that I had to be vulnerable to Jesus.  I didn’t get it, but soon found out like falling in love each summer, with no commitment from either of us, that a September love was soon on the horizon.  And that Jesus had made himself vulnerable to me, for me, and with me.  He gave himself wholly, and wanted me to also.  And when I did, the blessings increased, I spent more time with  him, meditating on him, and soon I was in love with Jesus.  More than an emotion, it was so deep I still cannot explain it, for if I could, words would only diminish it.  For when I realized God is love, then I too could be in love.  And then God gave me Theresa.  And as long as I keep him first, I can love her more.  Summer or winter, in good times or bad...he never changes.  And my love for my wife grows because Jesus first loved us.  Paul McCartney wrote that “the world was full of silly love songs,”  and too many relationships are just like that.  I wanted more, I wanted more than something that I’ve heard love called, I wanted to know it was really love, and in Jesus I have found everything.  And he has been my heart’s desire, giving me a wife to share his love with.  Nohting sill about that.
So if you are falling in love, or thinking about it, take the advice from an old Strawbs song, Just Love.  “ It’s just love, don’t try to comprehend it, if you money you’ve best spend it, you may never love again.”  Give your spouse all of the love you can, it is money well spent, but really invested.  And walk with Jesus the same way...and you will never want to walk with any other.  I can never know what Adam felt that morning and Eve was there, but I know what it is like for me.  Jesus, Theresa, and motorcycles-let the blessings continue. every way.  Walking my baby back home.  Love you honey...falling into chocolate.
love with compassion,