Friday, January 17, 2014

and you can do it more often

“Where did I ever find the time to get things done while I was working,” I used to hear many retired folks lament.  Now in semi-retirement, still full time ministry when God calls, I get an insight to what they meant.  Suddenly I don’t pour 12 hours of work a day into eight.  Suddenly I am not rushing home to get chores done so I can ride this weekend, and suddenly I am riding at a slower pace-but still quicker than most.  Slow is still not an option.  But I find that the riding now, being less restricted to weekends, is better during the week alone.  I stop and go where and when I want, less people on the roads, and I ride at my pace, not an overburdened road’s slower pace.  And even though I am riding more locally, I am taking the time to go down roads I never have before, some I have been bypassing for several years, only because they were on the way to somewhere, now they are that somewhere.  And I find that the farther away somewheres still attract me, but until the time and money, more the money presents itself, there are many roads here to have fun on.  And I wonder how I could have passed them up all these years...and why didn’t I find the time to ride them long ago?
Riding motorcycles has always been a passion for me, thanks to God and His fulfilling it in ways and places I never dreamt of.  Riding dozens of new bikes every year, meeting famous people, listening to their stories, bench racing with them, riding in 48 states, and touring with Theresa.  Wearing out Arai helmets at 150, into my fourth one.  Riding a 36 year old Superbike, and loving it, then riding a 2014 sport bike, and getting a different thrill.  Riding some back roads, waving at farmers.  Splitting lanes in traffic, how do you guys do it riding in cars all the time?  Sitting little kids on my bike, and watching as their eyes light up while making motor sounds.  As their parents stand by cautiously...afraid.  Reading an article in a travel or motorcycle magazine, and having been there...and still learning more for my next trip back.  I enjoy talking with older riders who have been places, conversations starting with  “remember when..” and going on for miles.  Meeting new riders, and watching as the enthusiasm grows with each ride, and starting to ride places I have for years.  Watching as people in Maine, Florida, Michigan, and other states when looking at my plate, ask “you rode that here?”  And finding yes is never enough of an answer. 
Many statements about riding are true.  Life begins at 30, it gets interesting at 100.  Home is where your bike sits long enough to leave a few drips of oil on the ground.  And four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul.  And to those of us who ride, we know.  And if we have to explain, you will never get it, until you do.  But the best thing about riding is it is almost as good as sex, and you can do it more often.  Which can relate to more than intimate moments with your spouse.  Having the time, or making the time, you can do more things you enjoy more often, and enjoy them more.  Something that scares people in life, and can be scary in retirement.  And it works that way with God also.  How many look forward to Sunday morning, not for church to start, but for it to get over?  But fail to find the joy in learning about God, and being with His people.  But fail to realize God is a 7 day a week God, and when asked to come to a Bible study, Wednesday night service, or a men’s activity, grow restless and make excuses.  “No time, the Padres are on, the yard needs cutting, a list of honey dos....” you all know the drill.  And like riding, I find that you can have Jesus on other than just can have Him more often.  Wednesday nights are a great refresher, so is Thursday Bible study.  But spending time with others, sharing Jesus, and sharing testimonies can be any time, any day, at any place.  Even among those who ride.  We do stop for food and get gas, maybe not in that order.  But we can all be like John, who bore witness of Jesus Christ.  He not only saw Jesus, He told others.  He was the witness, and his blessings grew because of it.  So did others.  God calls it joy, and in Psalm 1 we find those who meditate on God have it.  Thinking about Jesus, making Him part of your ride, even to other places than church.  You do ride to church don’t you?
Jesus Christ, better than anything else, and you can do it more often.  Think about all the blessings you are missing, and ask yourself, why?  And find the answer is really who, who Jesus is in your life.  Grow in Christ and the rides are longer, better, and more interesting.  You take the curves faster, run your life through the gears, and suddenly see redline as a place to visit more often, a place to shift and go further, and the excitement in life men are missing.  Jesus Christ adds life, long before Coca Cola did, and still does today.  Fool someone, ride to church, on a Wednesday night.  “You rode that here?”  And let the bench racing begin.  Oh the stories you can tell, Jesus and your rides.  Stop dreaming and start riding.  Twist the throttle, you learned enough patience sitting in neutral at the light.  Leave the past behind, and spend more time with Jesus.  More often, even On Any Sunday, you can find Him.  And if you are like the note on a biker’s rear view mirror, says, “objects in mirror are being left behind,” don’t be left behind.  And when Jesus is a 7 day a week riding partner, you too can say “I rather be out riding thinking about Jesus, than in church thinking about riding.”  Jesus taught in the church, ministered on the road.
Jesus, just like learning to ride later in life, is better than not learning at all.  Go out and bear witness many roads, so little time.  A good long ride will clear your head, revive your soul, and use a lot of gas.  And to those of us who know God, we know.
love with compassion,