Wednesday, May 6, 2015

one spring day, 1972

I had learned to ride mini bikes with my best friend Bill, later riding at higher speeds on Dave’s Tecumseh, wow 5 horsepower!  But I had learned to ride a real motorcycle, a Honda 50 that was Ricky’s a year earlier.  Heel and toe shifter, 3 speed with no clutch, this 50cc monster could  hit 45mph before I needed to brake, and do it all over again.  Many a day after school was spent riding, coming home dirty and bruised, explaining to parents about playing football.  Lying as best I could, they hated motorcycles, and so the word wasn’t mentioned at our house.  Respectable people didn’t ride, the aura of The Wild One still present some 13 years after.  Was the Johnny rebelling?  But when BH and I hooked up my senior year, riding his brush painted CL77, the famous 305, my life was about to change forever.  No longer would cars be cool, two wheels forever, and in full rebellion told my parents not only I was riding, but I was going to buy a new 1972 CB350, the most popular Honda in the world.  And the battle was on....
I had saved enough money from my paper route, summer jobs, and my after school job at Sears to have the purchase price of $825 from Ralph’s Honda in Maplewood, and the countdown of days began.  Frist I was told NO motorcycle.  Then I couldn’t live at home if I got one.  Fine, Vinny’s dad said it was cool if I moved in.  Then it was things will be different, then you cannot park it in the garage, then I did, and now I still do some 43 years later.  A fad they were hoping was fading, was to direct my life forever.  But that one spring day in 1972, my life changed when cutting school, we rode double on BH’s 305 to Maplewood, and my dream became reality.  With a quick lunch at Dot’s lunch, even truant bike riders get hungry, my first ride to eat, eat to ride experience, it was on to buying the bike.  After paying careful attention to the instructions about the bike, which I quickly forgot, we were off.  Anywhere was special, we were in an area new to us, so we followed roads to see where they would take us.  Carefully, I mean recklessly arriving back at school just when it was getting out, so I could show off my new bike.  In my metal flake gold helmet to match my bike, I was cool, and some even said so.  I was now a motorcyclist, said so right on my license, and where I used to park with the gearheads, drag racing after school, now I shared space with a 900cc Sportster, another Honda like mine, an SL350, and a Whizzer.  Cool had bumped me up a notch, I saw things differently, and would never see them the same again.  I had freedom, all 325cc’s of it, could go 100 mph if wanted, could fill up for under a buck, and a whole new world was opening up to me.  I still had a car, after all it was New Jersey and the wonderful weather it was known for, but suddenly the car sat, the bike got ridden, and I went places, saw things, met people, girls too, always carrying an extra helmet just in case, and in 5 short months rode over 6000 miles.  Heading west into Pennsylvania we found new roads to conquer, places to eat, and countrysides not found in the Garden State.  Suddenly my life had no boundaries, and BH and I rode every moment we could.  In tribute to Easy Rider I was Captain America, he was Billy, and a new found freedom was found and enjoyed.  Life behind bars, handlebars changed my life.  Suddenly the words of Billy and Captain A and George around a campfire became real, we had freedom, and although people talked about freedom, they were afraid of it.  A freedom I cannot explain, but one that became real on one spring day in 1972, the day I bought my first bike.
A few short years later I would become a Christian, be born again, and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior.  I went through a lot of changes those early days, suddenly I had no freedom, I had a set of rules, but that was soon to change.  Scripture tells us “where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty,” I had that spirit, and began to enjoy it.  I had gone from bondage in sin, to bondage by rules of religion, finally set free by the spirit of the Lord.  Where I began to experience real freedom, more than just ride, a life.  More than a lifestyle, it became apart of me, and guided by the spirit I began to not worry.  To find myself guided in my decisions, to have insight where I before could only wish for hindsight, and suddenly showing love, rather than craving it I wanted to give it.  That one summer day in 1975 I had no idea how my life would change, but God did, and some 40 years later I still ride, and still enjoy the freedom of living in the spirit.  Of getting all the blessing Jesus has for me, and being able to encourage others as well.  I can share Jesus without being religious, and ride without trying to explain why.  I was saved, and riding in Christ showed me another side of freedom I had never seen.  If you ride and know Jesus you know what I mean, if only one or the other you are only part way there. 
But how do you know when you are in the spirit?  I know when I’m not, it has become such a part of me.  My riding has come a long way from my first Honda, and also from my first day being saved.  Ups, downs, accidents, successes and failures mark my life.  But in every one of them, Jesus stood by me and with me.  Where once leaving the confines of the Garden State beckoned, now I ride in all 48 states.  Where once religion bound me, and forced me to go to church, to read my Bible, and to pray, now I do so because I want to, because I get to.  Truly where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. 
You may have had a spring day like me, and also a summer day in Christ.  Look back at them with fondness, but also look ahead to what Jesus has for you.  If not, I encourage you to seek Jesus today, spend time with him, let him into your life.  Dodge religion, spend time with God and enjoy real freedom.  Not everyone can or will ride, we can’t all be cool.  But Jesus welcomes all, and we all can be saved.  NO restrictions on who we are or what we have done.  No bounds on his love and forgiveness.  Doesn’t matter where we are, his spirit is there and calling out.  Calling us out of bondage and into freedom.  Putting our face into a rushing wind, even better than riding without a helmet.  In Christ we see more, hear more, and feel more.  We can live without bounds, except for his love.  Bound by love, rather than laws, and becoming all we can be.  If you know Jesus, you know what I mean.  If not I invite you to try him out today.  Your testimony is waiting for a happy ending....why wait when you can have Jesus now?  The road calls, what will your answer be?  One spring day in May just might change your life, it did mine.  Where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.  No fading fad.  Hondas optional.
love with compassion,