Tuesday, January 26, 2010

celluloid or soul-uloid heroes

With the advent of current cable/DTV, it is possible to have over 200 channels, and nothing's on! What are the statistical chances of that? Probably the same at your house as at mine. So like many others, we turn to movies-except I don't rent, I turn to the old ones on obscure channels. And I find myself excited when I see a day of James Bond films, or tonight is the Marx Brothers. Sign me up when Elvis movies are on, and don't let me miss A Hard Days Night, the Beatles, and an insight into the Fab Four no documentary could ever capture. When they was Fab, before drugs and Yoko. And I know what to expect-no surprises when Goldfinger tells Bond-the real Bond, Sean Connery, as he is about to have a laser circumcism, "I don't expect you to talk-I expect you to die." But you know he won't, too many bad guys to conquer, or is it women? Don't be misled, Roger Moore was the Saint, and Pierce was Remington Steele. "Almost as bad as listening to the Beatles without earmuffs!" Bond tells Jill Masterson in Goldfinger.
I can see Groucho walking that funky walk, while rattling off one liners, and Harpo pulling out a chicken from his coat, as he honks his Klaxon. While Margaret Dumont is the perfect straight woman. You just know that Elvis will somehow, with no money and a tomorrow morning deadline-find the money to race, fix up a car that was crashed, spend the night at a club singing, and woo the bosses daughter. All in between songs, and showing up just before the race, and then winning-the girl and the race. And of course the sheriff having a change of heart and not arresting him. And her father even admitting he's an Ok guy. I expect these things, so I am not disappointed, or surprised. They are the heart and soul of these movies-and no one else could be Elvis. Others have tried spy flicks, but there is only one 007.
Any Marx brother on his own just isn't as funny as they are together, and no one else can be them. And of course the Beatles-cute, talented, funny, and as thousands of screaming girls can attest to-the only ones! Even Norman, the band's manager in the movie has the best line, and also the last one-"John Lennon, you're a swine!" What would ET say when Britney was called a swine? But to Lennon, it's the perfect line about a younger Beatle, just out having fun. One of the boys. And how did you find America, John? "Go to Greenland and turn left." Yup, John, you're a swine.
But one group of pictures I don't watch, is so called Christian entertainment. For one it isn't entertaining, and two-those people aren't like any Christians I know. Fathers don't wear narrow ties and white shirts to dinner-kids don't tuck in their shirts, and moms don't wear pearls while they cook. This fictional, squeaky clean display cannot be farther from the truth. We live in the same world as non-Christians, and have the same problems. Finances, work, broken cars, and kids with zits. Kids to get at soccer, and forgetting to set out the roast to thaw for dinner. OK, let's just order pizza. And although some may have a stereotypical appearance, we tend to look like any other people-our difference is on the inside-our hearts. So don't make us look like geeks-it insults the geeks!
Jesus said the world will know we are Christians by our love. See, when I think of my Christian brothers and sisters, I think of Stu helping out where he can. I see Wayne directing traffic at a crash scene. I see Fred stopping to ask a biker on the side of the road if he needs help. There's Glenn, holding a door open for someone, or carrying her packages to her car. It's Dick hanging out with the Viet Nam Vets, and being their friend-no preaching, just love in action. Woody and Sandy, aka the Clauses, showing that Jesus is the reason for the season, just loving and not arguing that Santa isn't real-showing love.
You see clothes don't make the man-or Miles with his open shirt and sandals-barefoot on warm days, wouldn't make it as our pastor. Darrell Mansfield, with his hair over his shoulders, wouldn't make it as a worship leader. And hundreds of Christian bikers in leather, wouldn't make it as ministers of the Word-none of us dress like they do in these so called Christian movies. "Honey, do I have any clean jeans?" Sound familiar?
So if you want to represent Christ, go love on someone. When the homeless guy ahead of you is about to be escorted out of Burger King, tell the manager "he's with me." Then buy him lunch, and spend time with him. When a biker is stuck on the side of the road, wait with him until help arrives. And give him your card, in case he ever needs anything again. Pay the toll for the next vehicle behind you. And don't hesitate to let someone with one item get in front of you with many when in line. Remember it's OK to be nice. Show love-as true love comes from the inside out, not by appearance. You see, while we are so busy looking at outer appearance, God is busy looking at our hearts. And it is a merciful thing that those films are hidden, because of the harshness that they would show.
Try Jesus today, and let Him change that heart of yours. You can't, and therapy won't. Until there is a change of heart, there will be no change of actions.
Bond, Elvis, the Marx Brothers, and the Beatles-all were known by their actions-which reflected their hearts. And we knew what to expect. The cameras are rolling-what will the movie of your actions show? You've advertised yourself as a Christian, what does the world expect of you? Be glad you're forgiven-the old is wiped away-or it could open up a whole next genre of horror films. Don't wait for the movie. Read the book today!
For today is a day of screen tests of your love for Jesus to the world. Bond has a license to kill-make yours a license to love.
love with compassion,