Tuesday, April 13, 2010

at times like these, the feature you can't see becomes perfectly obvious

There are few things worse than a broken machine. Whether it is a toaster that doesn't, a blender that won't or a cycle that doesn't cycle, machines are absolutely useless unless they work. And I always marvel when someone's bike won't start, how some genius in the crowd says "well it's either fuel or spark." Great, now if you were really smart you would know which one. We all know the procedure. Fuel is easy, on old Brit bikes tickle the carbs, when the gas runs out and soaks your shoe, it must be spark. Still not convinced, pull a fuel line to the tank-same result. After turning on the petcock, of course. And for the cool, slosh the tank with the cap off like Steve McQueen in the Great Escape, just before he jumped. And for you nerdy, open the cap, and light a match. If you get combustion, it could be be spark-or is it fuel, you got both!
My friend Rex back in the late 70's was rewriting the Suzuki tech manuals for them. He spent countless hours telling me how easy electricity was, and with each lesson I got stupider. He could not only repair, but knew the cause. For instance, one day in spring of 1981, we took off for Arches National Park in Utah. This would be the first long trip for my new 1981 KZ750, so I was excited. We rode for a couple hundred miles, and parked to take some pictures. And then my bike wouldn't start. New bike, new battery-no spark. But I had Rex, better than AAA. He had noticed my brake light not going off, and he surmised the rear brake pedal was adjusted wrong allowing the brake light to stay on, thus killing the battery. So we bump started the bike-this being the first year Kawasaki eliminated the kick starter on their street bikes, let it run for 15 minutes, adjusted the brake pedal, and all was well. But the amazing part was he knew that the alternator-that which charges the battery doesn't kick in until 2200rpm, so he set adjusted the idle up to that speed, and we all was fixed. Complaint-cause-correction, just like we were taught as good service advisors. Fixed. And I really miss him today!
It has been said, in cruder terms than I will use, that if it has a skirt or wheels it will give you trouble. To you Puritan types-anything manmade has a potential to fail. And it will. And it goes back to the garden. When Eve disobeyed God, and then brought Adam in the club, it altered the way things were done forever. No longer was the world perfect, but sin entered it, and in every aspect-fuel and spark included. Lights stayed on, or wouldn't light up, and we ran out of fuel-even though the gauge said we had some left. Imagine a sinless world, where Lucas electrics worked-no prince of darkness! Where you never went on reserve-and no little light came on to warn you of impending emptiness! No warning lights to inform us of impending doom if we don't obey, because we had obeyed. All this awaits us in heaven, but for now-we must endure a sin laden world. And one without a kick starter. So there are times we push.
And I look at things in a before kick starter, and after kick starter was removed attitude. BK vs. AK if you will. When we had kick starters, we always had a backup system to go to. Or parked on hill so we could bump start. We aren't that smart anymore. Now when you push the starter button, and nothing happens, and you can't bump start your bike because the fuel injection is electric, you sit and wait. And while some cuss while digging out their cell phone, which is hopefully charged, and within a cell area, others pray, and watch as God prepares a way out for you. And reminds you that anything man made will and can eventually fail. But that the answer is always found in Jesus. And it is your choice of how you handle the situation.
Living with Jesus is like riding with Rex, better than AAA, better than any worldly advice, and better than any religion. You see Rex was trying to diagnose and repair things the factory had failed on, where Jesus repairs things we fail in. Our bodies were perfect before sin came along, now they need maintenance, parts, regular service, and as we get older, more of the same. We need the fuel that only the Holy Spirit can provide to get us through the day, and the spark that only the love of a living God can provide. Gloomy-God will provide the spark. Depressed-he can kick start you back to health! Low on fuel or energy-He gives freely to all who ask. Lonely-He never deserts you. And when all seems lost-He will save you! REMEMBER-He created you, but sin led you away from Him. He knows how all the parts should fit, where they go, how they function, and what it takes to fuel your day, and give you the spark to make it all work! And unlike your missing kick starter, He is always there. The best way out in any situation! But like your battery, if not used often, will run down-not God, but your relationship with Him-and will need recharging-another free service of the gospel! And you are always under warranty in Him, and He is open 24/7. Just a prayer away!
See it really is easy-fuel or spark. But even easier is taking the yoke of Jesus. He says it is easy, won't wear us down, won't leave us stuck, and is available 24/7. No clubs to join, membership fees, or meeting to attend. And he even comes to you-right where you are. He is available NOW-so why don't you give your no start problem to Him, and watch as He changes the situation you are in. Experience tells us that each trip starts with the first step-so take that first step now-let Jesus into your life. Instead of good Lord it's morning, try Good morning Lord! Key on, fuel on, and Jesus in your life. Taking you places you want to go or never knew existed. And He rides, and even waits while you look for your keys. Jesus and motorcycles-it don't get any better, try Him and see!
love with compassion,