Thursday, August 26, 2010

postcards from the edge

The first long ride I ever took was a 150 mile round trip ride to my grandparents' house in Pennsylvania. Taking the same roads that I had travelled with my parents on countless times, somehow they took on a whole new meaning for an 18 year old on his 350 Honda. Seeing things I couldn't from the back seat, I had all the senses going, including the sense of adventure. And surprisingly after 40 years of riding it, it still heightens my senses while riding it today. Maybe because it was my first, or maybe the destination, but I always enjoy that ride when back east.
Having just completed an 11,000 mile trip around the US of A, rides take on a different meaning. To many, trips are measured in mileage to make them successful. A trip to Orange County, long for some, seems boring-160 miles round trip. All the way to LA, wake me when we get there. It seems that after experiencing all I have, the local rides have lost some of their appeal. Almost not worth putting a helmet and gloves on for. It always happens after a long trip, but I am adapting better this year, as God is working on my heart.
When Jesus gave the great commission to His disciples-"go into all the earth, sharing the gospel as you go, and doing it in Jerusalem, Samaria, Judea, and the outer lands" please excuse freedom of not quoting the text exactly, many have gone all around the world as missionaries. While some have gone as far as Grape Day Park. Each a ministry field of its own, one no more important than the other. The important thing being going where God directs you. Maybe a statement about your heart condition than your physical location. But once again, I see too much influence on the outer lands perspective-location wise. China, Russia, Africa are all fertile fields, if only someone would go. The equation being the farther you go from home, the more God blesses. While neglecting the poor and wretched that are in our own home towns. And we are all guilty of it.
It is a mind set that can seem more adventurous the farther from home we go. Like we have to trust God more in a foreign land, than at home. God has blessed Theresa and I as we get to minister on the road. Wherever that road leads. Our Jerusalem may be Escondido today, but has expanded to So Cal. We can go to our Judea with Father Al in Shanksville some 3000 miles away. Or anything in between. And each ride is just as special, no matter the length, when guided by God. The excitement of seeing His will in our lives can happen on a five minute ride, or a five hour ride. It is in our hearts that the true outer lands are. And that outer land may be as close as your spouse, who rides with you. If you've never gone there with her before.
God has given us a heart for riding and being on the road. And while our freeways may seem boring, stopping for that one along the road,can open up a ministry field you may have overlooked. Or you may ride 1000 miles to a destination, neglecting to enjoy the blessings God has prepared for you along the way. But the seminar was great. Maybe if we see the destination of where we are now, and enjoy each mile for its own, we would be blessed more. Don't rush across South Dakota, take an old highway and enjoy the farms. Take an old state highway across Wisconsin, and meet the ones God put there for you to meet. Get off the 5 while in Orange County and take Santiago Canyon Road instead. Each one becoming a ride, instead of a trip. To be enjoyed. Wherever you are is local.
Your true location is more of a condition of the heart than a location of the body. Some only trust God with small things, and never venture beyond Jerusalem. Some go as far as Samaria, and live to get back. But then huddle in the security of home. Some may even go as far as Judea, stretching the limits they put on God. But it is the ones who seek the outer lands-all the blessings God has for them, that experience more of His glory. God is not so much a God of outer lands positionally, as He is conditionally. In your heart. So take a brave step today, take a trip with God. Venture into the outer lands of your heart. You may find that the message is the same, and be rejuvenated, knowing that God lives outside your locality. It takes faith to please God, and faith to venture out. Be blessed and take a road to somewhere you've never been. Samaria has much to offer, so does Judea. But only if you have the heart of Jesus.
Who was always on the road. And wherever He was, He called home for the night. Knowing His ultimate home was heaven. Can we remember that on our trip?
"I may spend my life upon the road,
just trying to add to what I know,
and some day I may settle down,
and all my friends will be around."
Just an old verse from an old Eagles song, Twenty One. But what a way to live. Realize you are on the road of life, and in heaven all your friends will be around. Settle for nothing less than what God has to offer. He is everywhere-make sure He is in your heart!
love with compassion,