Monday, August 16, 2010

when the truth is found

You'll have to forgive me if I appear confused every once in a while, because I am. And you'll have to forgive those who don't look confused, but are, also. Sometimes the lies, rumors, selfish viewpoints, and innuendos start to overwhelm me, and I need to step back and remember what is the truth. We have become a poll driven society, in which facts are based on opinions, and callously misstated as such, when they are really just opinions, and sometimes with no basis in fact. Carefully reported, or interpreted for the individuals own personal well being. And so many end up living a lie, and its consequences. It doesn't have to be this way.
Over the weekend a tragic accident took place at a desert race. The fact is a race driver, in his off road truck, lost control, and went into a crowd. Killing eight, sending 12 more to the hospital, and changing who knows how many families' lives forever. An accident. And as I listened to the media misreport about desert racing, I became angry. And somehow the anger at the stupidity of their reporting overshadowed my concern for these families. But only momentarily, thank God.
Those involved in racing know it is dangerous, and can be deadly. And to listen to those who are ignorant misreport the facts, angers me. But we should be used to it, even in some churches they have chosen the wrong way. Can't upset the congregation by telling them the truth, they might go elsewhere, and we have bills to pay! But those that speak lies don't realize the damage they do. In a society where various CSI shows are in the top 10, where they seek the truth, these irresponsible people speak first, and usually with total disregard for the truth. They have an agenda, and sadly hurt and maim more every day than were affected by this tragic accident. Even Agent Mulder would sort out lies from the truth, knowing it was out there somewhere. Not realizing it comes from within. But how many do seek the truth, but end up placated by inaccurate reporting? Feel good theology-note, it ain't all about you!
Already the talking heads, and other do gooders are calling for more laws. Outlaw racing, more cops, more fences. Have these people ever been to a desert race? Or a desert? They race here because of the freedom from the above. Laws don't save lives. Talk to John Lennon, the guy who killed him had broken over 70 existing laws at the time, would one more have saved his life? And if there were more, which now there are, why do so many continue to die horribly when they are ignored? And do you realize with each new law, another freedom is taken from you?
So why do those who are supposedly seeking the truth, end up missing it? Because it takes faith, not a whole bunch, but just a little, and it isn't about your faith, but who you place that faith in. And as I watch many wanting to know why this accident happened, you see only a few turning to the someone who can answer, and comfort. Faith is the hope of things not seen, and we can only believe with our finite minds, that which we see. But when we do, doubt even more, if the sight is unpleasant. Personally I am glad God doesn't let me understand everything, in fact no where does the Bible promise you understanding, but it does promise a peace that surpasses it. And that is my desire, and it can only come from Jesus. I wish they would report that. Finally a truth, the truth that would help someone, and set them free.
Tonight the news will report even more death in Afghanistan, unrest in various cities, and families ruined by drugs and alcohol. It doesn't have to be that way. Jesus offers a way out, but you must choose it. Don't fall into the lie of the devil made me do it, or the enemy is attacking. It is not his fault, but yours, as you choose whom to follow. The warnings were there. God never promises the way out will be easy, or the road smooth-but that He is the way out of your situation. Rather than seek to place blame, look to God and ask forgiveness, then seek to forgive others. Do not allow bitterness to be added to the list of problems you have-seek to substitute joy for that!
And allow Jesus to do miracles in your life. He wants to, and many times we prevent Him, just because of unbelief. The truth is out there, and more accurately can be in you, when you repent and turn to Him. The decision is yours. Personally, I choose Jesus. And let others know. How refreshing the truth is after a day of lies.
He came to fulfill the law, in love, by being love. Grace is what He calls it, and it is available to everyone right now, who only believes. And that is my prayer for all who seek, for they will find hope in Jesus Christ. Bobby Kennedy once said "some see things as they are and ask why, I see things as they should be and ask why not." Why not Jesus? Things as they should be. Let's pray...
love with compassion,