Wednesday, August 24, 2011

BEEfore (6) and the HEREafter

God has blessed me with a desire and ability to minister in hospitals. I have seen blood, guts-I even held a man's brain in his head once, third degree burns, and bones sticking through skin. And somehow it hasn't bothered me, but given me a great compassion for those sick or wounded. And for that, I am thankful to God, and to the doctors and nurses who deal with this on a daily basis. I also spend much time ministering to the families of the sick and injured. They are the ones whose life must go on despite a wounded husband or wife, their children still have school and soccer, etc. to go to. In other words, life must go on, and while the patient is being surrounded with constant care, they aren't. So God has allowed me to be part of a group of like hearted people, and we see that meals are provided, kids get to practice, and that the spouse can be with her loved one in the hospital. And we do it in the name of the Lord, simply based on the obedience of being a Matthew 25 believer, Jesus asked "when I was sick did you visit? Hungry, feed me? Alone, take me in? Thirsty and homeless, did you take me in and offer me drink?" We do these things not to earn our way to heaven, it is a gift called grace, but because of the love of Jesus in our hearts. And we hope to be an inspiration and encouragement for others to do so. Remember the greatest love statement? Laying down your life for another may only inconvenience you for awhile, but will change your life. Always for the better. Try it some time, trust God when He says to do something, and look out-here come the blessings!
But as much as I like visiting those in the hospital, I am the world's lousiest patient, more of an IMpatient patient. So when I got stung for the fifth or sixth time-we only went to the hospital all times but once, so we don't tend to count that one, I took my EPI pen, my Benadryl, and Theresa took me to the ER. Which immediately took me in and started the breathing and IV's. This one was relatively minor compared to others-one time I couldn't breathe as my throat closed up and when the first breathing treatment didn't work, the doctor's look on his face told me this was serious. And the time, #2 or #3, Dick had to get me from Palomar, the left side of my face and eye completely swollen shut, at least we laughed when the people got out of our way when we left-"if you ever pull this stunt again I'll blacken both your eyes!" he shouted, and the crowd moved-far away. And we both laughed.
I have been told that each one will get worse, but with quick treatment only left with my left eye partially swollen shut, mouth and neck swollen, and my left arm swollen and very painful where I was stung yesterday. Six times in less than 15 months, why are the bees always picking on me?
But back to being the IMpatient patient. It forces me to rely on someone else, for them to be their brothers keeper, and it is humbling. It is humbling to watch your wife and son terrified of how their husband and dad are-they have been through this before with me. It means a life change for a few days, and I had to miss a dinner with Ballerina, her family, Roscoe, and Charlie that I had been looking forward to. That is the pride side of it. But the God side is I am not afraid to die. In fact, if I had drifted off and woke up in heaven, I would be ecstatic! For I am not afraid to die-I want to see Jesus!
And that is what I hope to share with all I visit in the hospitals. And from Gavin and Lynsay, Conrad and his family, Bikerjim, Bill, Lucy, and so many others, God has allowed me to share the love of Christ to them all-and watched as Jesus Christ has changed their lives-and how they all welcome heaven now-Born Again! A final healing that lasts forever.
So simply pray that Jesus Christ comes into your life. No big religious experience, but you will know when you let Him into your heart-it's that personal. Don't wait until it takes an accident, job loss, the ruin of a relationship, or death of a loved on-trust God now!
And pray for this IMpatient patient. God knows our days, and the day of or escape from earth, so yesterday wasn't my day. He also doesn't guarantee you tomorrow, so wishes that today be the day of your salvation. And the day that your life truly begins. I want to go to heaven-ASAP. But until I do, I will try to be obedient to God, to not be such an IMpatient patient, and to lay down my life, or at least my plans here for others. Love will do that to you. And love is not an emotion, although it can make you emotional. It is not a feeling, although it will wake up your feeling. God is love, and only found through His Son Jesus Christ. Can't find words for it, you have to experience it for yourself. Fall in love today!
For God so loved the world He sent His only son...just for you!
love with compassion,