Tuesday, February 14, 2012

sin-the mark of the beast

Gregor Samsa woke up and noticed something different. It was him. He had fallen asleep the night before normally, but when he woke up noticed something very different about himself. He was a cockroach! He had a hard shell for a body, and now six appendages instead of four! And as he laid there wondering if this was a bad dream, he noted his mind was still the same-except now he could not speak, but only make other cockroach sounds, which might only attract other cock roaches-and that grossed him out. A man's mind, sharp as ever, but in the body of a cockroach. By the way, Good Morning!
Such is the story, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. A European writer from the early 20th century, who wrote short stories. Thought provoking, a pre-Rod Serling type of writer. And among them was The Penal colony. In it we are told of a machine designed by the commandant to print/tattoo the prisoner's sentence on their body. After a hasty trial-no one was ever told if they were guilty or innocent-all were found guilty, they were laid in the bed of the machine, which was cotton to catch the blood, and the designer would tell the harrow what to print. A cotton gag was also placed in the mouth of the guilty, to prevent him form biting his tongue, and for catching more blood. Finally the harrow would move up and down with many needles, and print the crime the prisoner was found guilty of. Then the crime was printed on them-which sometimes they didn't even know! Until after six hours they are finally dead! And in this example, his crime was "HONOR YOUR SUPERIORS!" A crime we all fall guilty of, aren't glad you are not a character in a Kafka novel? But real life under the law can resemble his story, or even worse. Did you know the Federal Government has stopped printing the book of US laws? There are so many of them, that has become too expensive, and the man in charge of it claims each day we each break at least three laws-without knowing it! And we call this the land of the free, and the home of the brave! And yet we still elect more "lawmakers"? How about some "gracemakers!"
We are all born into sin, Romans 3:23 tells us, but God offers us mercy through Jesus Christ. He protects us with His grace, and any sin we were guilty of is washed away. Called justification, as if it had never occurred. It is our choice to choose Jesus, or reject Him. and no matter who the person was on earth, his income, health, wealth, or position-we all face the judgment day! Mercifully those of us whose names are written in the Book of Life are found not guilty! Sadly so many "self righteous types" will be found guilty. And God takes no joy in the death of the sinner. You see it was all about them, they were in control, they didn't need God, in fact they will claim they never sinned at all! And unlike court proceedings today, we have a Judge who is righteous, and the guilty just like in The Penal Colony will know perfectly their sin, and its just reward-only they will be in eternal damnation for eternity! Too late to change-so why not do it now?
Hell was not created for man, but for Satan and his angels. But when man chose to follow Satan in the garden, we all became eligible for hell. Only in Jesus is there salvation! And hell is described as a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth. Outer darkness, no light, but a fire that always burns. And in total isolation away from God-just like they wanted it-their choice on earth was to not choose Jesus! Even in death God will honor your choice to reject Him.
Ah, heaven. Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor mind imagined the things of heaven. Too beautiful for words, a place of no sin, and the presence of God-forever. You would think the choice was that easy. AND IT IS! For Gregory Samsa his metamorphosis was one of a physical nature. For those who believe it is a spiritual nature. For the spirit never dies! and it is your choice now, today, to choose where to spend eternity. HELL, in agony forever, because you rejected Jesus, or heaven, because you accepted Him. That's the gospel-so easy anyone can do it!
What is your choice? Saying nothing is saying no. Someday your sin will find you out, and you will wish you had turned to God. Consider the choice-mercy vs. damnation. Choose soon, for no man is promised tomorrow. And even becoming a cockroach is better than hell!
These are the facts. Found in the Bible-some 6 billion of them printed. Making God the most successful author of how to books ever. And how to get to heaven is included! Pick one up today, or ask a Christian about this heaven thing. You have been told your possible sentence, unlike the man in the Penal Colony machine. His sin caused him death, only in Jesus can that sin be washed away. Painlessly, no needles, and no more death sentence. No more laws-only grace. Can you think of any better time than now to trust God?
The machines are waiting for those who die without Jesus. I prefer to be found sinless in Him. Those nine inch nails He took for me are far superior to any needles I ever want!
love with compassion,