Wednesday, April 18, 2012

of course this could never happen to you

After over 40 years in business, Pop had finally decided to close his small grocery store. Although he had talked of doing it for more than a decade, his announcement still came as a surprise to his employees. 27 people, some who had been with him for the 40+ years, would now be out of a job, out of a paycheck. And in this small town, so small many maps didn't show it, things would be different now. For the 27 unemployed represented 27 families who would suffer financial impact. 27 families who wouldn't eat at the corner cafe anymore. 27 families who wouldn't shop for shoes or clothes. 27 families who weren't paying income tax anymore. Within a few months the change was noted, and after the first year many small businesses dependent on these 27 for their business, had either shut their doors, or were barely hanging on. Pop never understood the impact he had made on the community while in business, sadly he did after he closed it down. One business had touched many lives, and would continue to after it closed-just not as anyone had figured it would.
The church on the corner had been there over 20 years. When the original pastor stepped down, he had another man already picked. A young man, who was well liked, but had different ideas. Seemed the church, had gotten stuffy, and this man's plans would rescue it. But rather than grow, it shrunk. Rather than following the spirit as it had since it opened, it embraced legalism, and programs rather than God. Striving to help the community, it embraced social issues, and never once realized the spiritual aspect of them. Soon the church had shrunk-in size and in impact. The spirit was gone-it had been shown the door, and those who remained were followers of the new pastor. God had rescued some out who saw it coming, and those remaining were split into two groups-pro pastor or anti-pastor. They had a form of godliness, they just didn't have God. And sadly didn't notice His absence. New programs, new laws, and a new vision didn't matter-God had taken His spirit and left them barren. It was their choice, and even the heathen in the community noticed. And all the work done over the past 20 years was gone in a few short months, the new pastor ready to place blame on anyone but himself. Unteachable, he would say his flock was, blind to his plans. Blind to the spirit was the real problem, only without the spirit they would never know. When really it was him that had abandoned God, they only followed him as sheep will. No program made by man will ever prosper in God's church.
She was at the top of her class. Prom queen, and head cheerleader. Everyone knew she would have a great life, but when her dad lost his job when Pop's store closed, all changed. She would now go to junior college, thankfully on a scholarship rather than State as planned. She would have odd jobs between semesters to help out, and when she graduated, her fiancée and her had planned on getting married. They wanted kids, but it would have to wait, as he was still one year from graduating from State himself, and although only one year away-it seemed like an eternity. Both had stayed true to their upbringing, and she vowed to be pure on her wedding night. But one night passion consumed them both in the form of lust, and she was pregnant. Her parents were not much help, to them it looked like another mouth to feed, further adding gloom to their future. When they turned to the pastor, he only condemned her for her action, telling her it was her problem, not God, and to deal with it. She felt abandoned by all. And so she dealt with it, in a way she never thought she would. When the church abandoned her, she turned to the family planning center on campus-aka the abortion clinic. The thought sickened her, and thought of taking her unborn son's life was worse than any thought she could imagine. But they told her she would be able to have children later, when she wanted them, and after a few days would be ok. The state would even cover the expense to her,being poor and all that. But to her it was much more than that, for God had promised her that she would have a son, who would make great miracles in the field of medicine. And as she walked out of the abortion clinic alone-half the people that go in never come out alive, her son aborted, she felt empty inside. Her fiancé and her lives changed, and her future plans dashed. And in her heart she would always wonder if this son she killed had been the one to cure cancer? Or AIDS? Was he the one God had chosen to answer prayers with? Had she killed this child that was an answer to prayer? The physical pain would go away, the emotional pain would last forever. If only she had turned to God, instead of a rogue pastor and church. Their rules wouldn't rescue her now. Broken and alone, it would take another year before she would graduate. And although they would marry, they would always carry the burden of their first son-who they had killed. One bad decision, had left them alone and broken. And a couple were robbed of being called Grandma and Grandpa, no aunt or uncles, either. The even worse decision was the mishandling of their first mistake. Reactions are still more powerful than actions, no need to remind them.
Decisions made for personal gain never take into account how far reaching that decision will be. Just a store closing can affect so many families. A pastor steeped in legalism, and not the spirit can cause damage that lasts for generations. And seeking the world's solution for a spiritual problem will always end in ruin. It seemed like that almost 2000 years ago when on Good Monday, the people cheered their prophesied savior, but who by Thursday, their chants had gone from Hosanna-save us, to crucify Him when they sought worldly solutions rather than God. And all seemed hopeless as they took His body off the cross, and laid it in a borrowed tomb. But Sunday morning it all changed. His tomb was empty, He was risen just as He said. And because of that, we have been given a final chance to accept Him and live, or deny Him and die. Just as one bad choice can spell disaster, one good choice can turn it all around. But it takes trust, and a man who loved us so much that He gave His life so we can die. It takes Jesus!
Seek Him today. His ways are different, and He always has a way through the problem. Not around it, but through it-victoriously. Out of work, sick, foreclosed, lonely and lost? Trust Jesus. Facing jail, divorce, or loss of job? Trust Jesus. If you only make one decision today, make it for Him! Businesses, churches, kings and kingdoms will come and go. Only Jesus is eternal. Join Him in His eternal kingdom today. Life is too short to live without Him. And too harsh to make it on your own. And He leaves it up to you. Choose Jesus. Life is tough enough, don't face it alone. You don't have to-it's your choice!
love with compassion,