Wednesday, October 3, 2012

on assignment

From the very start I never was fond of homework assignments. And as I got older, I only saw them as a way to deter me from my girlfriend, riding, and then my night job. Study hall-wasn't that the social hour of the day? Yet these annoying assignments would carry on into my adult life, and into my career. And still do to this seems there are so many roads and so little time.
When managing a route for Coca Cola, I would be given the next week's assignments of Friday. Leaving me all weekend to grouse about, until I changed my attitude. Why worry until Monday and ruin a good weekend, especially when I could do nothing about them until Monday? So I didn't, and my attitude, and success rate changed-for the better.
I have a friend in the military, not sure who he reports to, but will be called on assignment to various places around the world. Mission accomplished, he goes home,waiting for his next assignment. His quality of performance measured higher than his quantity of performances. A lesson I would take to heart when going into full time ministry. I was used to putting 16 hours into each 10 hour day, now God would give me an assignment, and I would have free time in between. Which didn't always sit well with friends or family, who still worked by the clock, or it seemed around the clock. It wasn't fair I had all this free time. But only in obedience did I find it. But I learned that the quality of the job is what God wanted, and I needed the rest time in between to prepare for the next one. And what a great place to spend in conversation with God than riding.
Where God guides, He provides, and yet so many complain. "If God wants me to go, He better send me the cash," not understanding if He guides, the resources are already in place. Doubt God, why would I believe your words. Your walk is as important as your talk. And as He says, obedience is better than sacrifice, so obey. We can look to Jonah, who didn't, David who did against Goliath, Gideon, who won a battle against 185,000 with only 300 fat, overweight non-soldiers, and Samson, winning a battle, but blinded by his sin. He won, but never lived to enjoy the victory-or to see it. In each case the assignment God gave them, the outcome was known to Him. It meant victory, for them too, if they obeyed. The first rule, obey all rules. Start by obeying God. You may not need all the rules if you do. But sometimes we all must be dragged kicking and screaming into the Kingdom of God. Aren't you glad Jesus fulfilled His assignment, to seek and save a dying world? What if He had become lazy, or listened to His friends? What if he was late, or doubted His Father? Where would we be without salvation? But God....we complain. You don't understand. Maybe it is us that don't get it. After all, did He consult you the day He created the heavens and the earth? Sometimes it may look like it, it's always better to let Him lead. Following in obedience.
You see it takes trusting God, and then obeying. James puts it this way. You have faith, then show me your works. Prove your faith...others are watching, God already knows. And the truth is, God never fails, but we have that potential, when we disobey. Remember, it wouldn't be a miracle if you could do it yourself! It takes Jesus, and the guiding of the Holy Spirit to be successful. So He gives us a very simple, yet challenging assignment every day. LOVE. That's it. And despite our failures, still wants to bless us by giving us opportunities to do just that. Homework, or at work, play or display-LOVE. It is more than an emotion, it is the person of Jesus Christ!
"But I do," we offer in defense. The scripture also tells us these things shall follow them that believe. What is following you? What is your score? Who gets the credit for any of your success? If it is anyone but God, you fail. So go ahead and be a success today, in Christ. Trust Him in the little things, and they may not become big things. And after you trust Him in little things, He will assign you bigger things. Look at assignments as potential blessings, anyone have too many?
Your assignment may not be nine feet tall, with twelve fingers and toes, and may not be a trained killer, like Goliath was. But the same God who gave little David victory promises you the same, if you obey. I've read the book, we win. So start living like it! Have the attitude David had when questioned about his foe. "God was with me against the bear, and against the lion. Why would He not be with me now?" So there is your assignment for today, love the Lord with all your heart, and enjoy the day. Knowing that no matter what you are called to do, God has prepared you.
No more pencils, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks. Finish your assignments on time. Let the blessings begin!
love with compassion,