Wednesday, September 10, 2014

out of the ashes we rise

September 11, 2001 changed America forever, and many individual lives.  We saw politics take a temporary backseat, we saw a unity in being an American, and many step up and be counted.  Their character they had always had was given a moment in time to shine, and many did.  Among them was my friend, fellow patriot, fellow brother in Christ Father Alphonse Mescherino.  Fr. Al as he was known, was manning a small parish on 9-11, and when thrown into action, acted on the vision God gave him.  His vision was to provide a place of healing, a place of peace, a place where all could come, not be divided on religion or politics, and have their souls comforted.  His gift to us was the Flight 93 Memorial Chapel.  A 100 year old building, once a church, in recent years had been used to store wheat and grain, some 7 miles from Somerset, and 3 miles from Shanksville.  In the middle of a corn field.  Starting his dream with no more than the promise God gave him, he would go down to 84 Lumber and buy $50-75 of supplies at a time to renovate the chapel.  When Maggie, the owner’s daughter found out, she took care of all supplies, and labor, completing the project just days before the first anniversary in 2002.  And the vision God had given Fr. Al had become real...and soon I would be part of it.
In 2005 Torches Across America rode into Shanksville, and the urge to return was born.  Hallowed ground if ever there was, we were to return in 2006, the 5th anniversary.  It was to be a big deal, President Bush will be there, the Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, United Airlines crews, and families of Flight 93 and friends.  When I found out, I contacted Fr. Al, told him of our ride, and offered to help, picking up trash or whatever needed to be done.  His response surprised me, but was later be known as typical of him, “why don’t you come and speak?  We get many bikers here, and they need to be healed too.”  A humility I wish I could emulate, his vision deeper and wider than mine.  And so I did, and introduced a new CMA Chapter to the chapel.  Dave and Linda to this day are part of the vision, even ministering to Fr. Al when he was close to death.  Again the vision touching many.  And showing how God’s grace is multiplied. 
But on this 9-11 in 2006, it rained.  I mean it poured, and the tent that held 250, was filled to overflowing, at least 500 in attendance.  People from all walks of life had come, and after I spoke, at 10:06 am, we did a bell ringing ceremony, and just like Fr. Al’s vision, there were 40 bell ringers, one each for the 40 who gave their lives on Flight 93.  Shades of the Twilight Zone, but remember God is in charge here.  And as we waited that day, emptying the rain off the tents, we made many friends.  We met Chris Taggert, who created the marble benches and statues.  We were later able to introduce her to the Homer family, Leroy was the co-pilot on Flight 93.  We had to wait first for the bus loads of United Airline personnel, then for the President, delayed by the rain.  A rain the locals describe as God shedding tears, it seems to rain each 9-11, as I can testify to.  And just as we were about out of patience,  the North Star Kids broke out in song “proud to be an American, where at least I know I’m free...” and not a dry eye could be found.  A day I will never forget, a moment in time frozen.  Then it was Jason Dahl’s wife’s turn, and she greeted us with “Man plans, God laughs.”  She the widow of Flight 93 pilot Jason.  And the conversations flowed, the songs were sang, memories of friends and families shared, and new friends made.  All based on the vision that Fr. Al had been given by God.  A tribute to a man who once told me “so many Catholics need Jesus,” and who served Communion to all who wanted it, Catholic and others, Jesus being the difference.  A humble man, who with no money, just a vision, had pulled it off.  Or rather God had, as where God guides, he provides.  A lesson for all of us. And a day that was to be one of many that we would visit the chapel, both on 9-11 and other days.  Greeting guests, listening to stories, and sharing the love of Jesus Christ.  But Fr. Al is no longer with us, but the dream lives on...
We last saw him in 2011, had breakfast and caught up with his plans.  He and another priest were buying old churches, and allowing all those in the community to use them.  A place to gather, a place to worship, and a place to spend with God.  Leave religion at the door, this was God’s love pure and simple.  And today Farzi is still carrying out the dream.  And Dave and Linda and CMA are part of it, using a phone call to Fr. Al, to direct me to these friends I had never met 3000 miles away to be part of the vision.  With all glory going to God.
There are many stories about the chapel, and I was present or part of them.  I saw first hand how God worked, and how healing works.  Nothing man could do could ever duplicate what God has done at the Chapel.  We stayed many times at the cottage, another miracle bought with no money adjacent to the Chapel, to be used for friends to stay free.  Where I met Mary White, whose daughter Beth Waino was one of the heroes of Flight 93.  The Lt. Governor of Pennsylvania, after the 2006 service, came up to me, “hey, I‘m a biker too, my husband and I both ride Harleys.”  Where else but the Chapel could God use such diverse people to come together.  But God had saved the best for last for Fr. Al.  After being healed of cancer three times, three miracles, he was found to be legally blind, and had cataract surgery.  He was excited to see an Easter sunrise service for the first time, and found a Methodist one to attend.  I wonder if they knew who he was...But due to the miraculous healings, he opened the Chapel every Sunday afternoon to church groups, to sing and worship God, and then to have a healing service afterwards.  Wishing again to bring glory to God on high, the vision complete. 
My good friend died in 2012, and I miss him.  We would email each other, and many times he would ask me to pray when he needed to make a decision, I was his prayer partner.  And like a loving father, kept our picture on the refrigerator at the cottage.  And I would like to leave you with one memory, good advice and a true description of the man.  He was offered a position of Bishop, and was concerned if he should take it or not.  He wasn’t into pomp and circumstance, but wanted to do God’s will.  We talked and prayed, and he took the position, his reasoning simple, “the same God who offered me the position,will be the same God to see I fulfill it.”  Once again, all about Jesus. 
So on this day when we remember heroes of 9-11, remember this precious man of God, who in helping the victims touched the lives of so many.  Remember the Flight 93 heroes, and pray for all who attend the Chapel tomorrow.  It will be another day of healing, and I wish I could be there.  Maybe arrive unannounced early, and let myself in, like I have many times before, for Fr. Al told me where the key is hidden.  The key to the Chapel, but also the key to healing and peace.  Only found in Jesus Christ, where my friend spends all his days eternally.  Jesus is the key...we only need to let him unlock the hurt in our hearts and let him in.  Fr. Al knew that, I hope you do too.  I miss my friend, but will see him in glory soon, I can only imagine the talks he and Jesus are having.  My two friends, oh how precious that day will be when I can join in.  And like the stories mentioned in John, no library can hold the ones that God performed at the Chapel.  I know, I was there.
love with compassion,
the following is just one of many letters from my friend.
Dear Brother in the Lord:
Share as you will.  This is new and in progress.
I am sending this in the spirit of Onesimus and that means I am sending you my heart.
I am so inspired by your words and your enc0uragement.
I am in touch with Brother Tony and Bishop Bayshore, my retired Methodist Bishop friend, who is himself a beloved example of faith. In him I have been sustained through many a dark moment.  His faith is a shining and brilliant example.
I am blessed in so many ways.
And so you see how you are a blessing to those who come to the Chapel, for inspiration, encouragement!
They are like lost sheep in search of a shepherd.  And we are not the shepherds, but, we can direct them to the Good Shepherd.
We plant a seed, someone else will cultivate and God will reap the harvest.
I have so many things to say, dear Friend, but, you know, by the time I get the words out, things have already passed by at the speed of ight.
And so, I will be sending a letter to you, following on this.  I expect to do that soon.  I have been working on it for two solid months, and I just could not berring myself to send it off as it was, hoping and praying that God would give me the light to do it the way He wants.  And here comes your letter, a light to the nations, to the world, to me, and you reveal to me this is the moment, this is the time, this is the fullness of time.
Thank you for this revelation
We stand on the threshhold.  The Kingdom is at hand, and we are very near, on the threshhold itself.
I want to take that leap with you, the very next step.
Hand in hand in faith, with confidence, hope and joy.
God bless America, God bless CMA.
With love to you all in Him Whom we serve,
Fr.  AL