Tuesday, October 2, 2018

walk, don't run

I had only known Doug as my co-worker at Coca Cola.  I was his driver first, then became a fellow salesman with him.  Outside of Coke I really didn’t know much about him other than he loved to hunt and fish, taking his two weeks every year when hunting season opened in Durango.  He was born and raised there, and knew many people there, going back quite a few years.  On one of the few occasions we got to go downtown together, we were walking down Main Ave. when he greeted a man with a grunt, never making eye contact, and the man answered the same way.  When I asked “who was that?” he answered “my brother.”  Not knowing Doug had a brother, he explained he had a few brothers, all in Durango, and nobody in the family talked with each other.  Not pressing him, he went on to explain the only time they got together or even talked was hunting season each year, as they went as a group, not a family to hunt, sharing the bounty among themselves.  Not Christmas, Thanksgiving, or weddings or funerals, outside of the opening of hunting season each year they were strangers, emphasis on strange.  But for those two weeks......
BH and I used to joke that if we both agreed it left no room for originality.  Today at work, at play, at Harley dealers, and even at church, we are told what to think.  Maybe not dictatorial, but emphasized enough that  we follow the regimen of the group.  When seeing a fellow rider off his bike, I can tell what he rides by his clothes, all black leather, a Harley, maybe an Indian.  Over dressed for the weather with off road clothes, a BMW.  No matter the season I am t-shirt and jeans, what does that say about me?  But we are not judging, just observing, and no BMW rider worth his Beemer would be caught not in uniform, just as a Harley rider wouldn’t.  When I used to wear my CMA cut I always thought it was so I was to be identified with them, until I found out it was better to live anonymously.  Society cannot live without the fact of categorizing people, so we fall into a prescribed, pre-ordained, prejudiced grouping.  It seems in the quest to be an individual, we all get lost in the group.  But when the group is more important than the individual, we lose.  And some are better at losing than others, some even to the point of enjoying the mental or social slavery that comes with it.  Maybe best described as a the scene at Alice’s Restaurant one Sunday morning, with both sides of the street lined with bikes.  Harleys on one side, and café racers on the other.  It used to be motorcycles was our defining role, now it was the very thing that separated us.  Maybe best translated later as one group rode too slow, the other too fast.  Not one Goldilocks rider to be found......all I want to do is ride.
Church unity is a hot topic for many.  I receive many requests to join in with “like minded men” to fellowship, but like Doug I grunt and pass them by.  Not because I am better, I’m not, but the unity or like mindedness they adhere to is the church, its teachings, or even its pastor.  Paul had to address this in a few of his letters, emphasizing who we are to be like by with.  Not with men so as to gain acceptance, but with Jesus Christ, to gain his acceptance and walk in his spirit.  To be of one mind, one body, and of one spirit.  Which will bring us together as the one church.  The true division begins when any other criteria than Jesus is used.  Only his love and spirit can break down doctrinal or denominational barriers, not more teachings or rallies.  The peace and unity we seek is only found in Jesus Christ, not ourselves.  No self help, or ways to happiness, just Jesus.  Anything else divides. 
So he appeals in the name of Jesus Christ, as no other name is bigger, has more power, or the power to save.  It is impossible to get us to agree on many things, but when we agree on the spirit of him, we can be true brothers and sisters because his life is in us.  The only basis we need to agree upon is Jesus Christ, anything else is a sham.  It takes boldness in the spirit to agree with Jesus, but when we do life takes on a new and exciting role.  It means sacrificing our own ways and ideas for his, best described in Philippians, where it is written he made himself a bit lower than the angels and unto death on a cross gave himself for us.  He became obedient unto death for us, truly he is the one who willingly gave his life for his brother, being the true love we find talked of in scripture.  And later in life Hebrews tells us to strip off the weight of sin that slows us down or weighs us down.  Jesus wants to ease our burden, to have it cast on him, to be free from the weight of sin.  Maybe best described as this way, we can run with the devil, never catching up, always being chased or chasing, never measuring up or when we do maintaining it, or we can walk with Jesus.  Not hurrying or falling behind, in step with the spirit, who guides our steps.  Running implies a race or competition, maybe for our soul or just within ourselves, walking implies the peace of Jesus, just as God walked with Adam and Eve in the garden before they sinned.  Running on empty....there is a reason.  Full of the spirit, it is overflowing, and a witness to others.  Many run to the place where Jesus once walked, how many just walk with him today wherever they are?  Something to consider the next time you are late.....Jesus never was.
From Adam and Eve in the garden, to the animals walking onto the ark of Noah, from Daniel seeing four men walking in the fire, to Jesus seeing two brothers walking along the Sea of Galilee, to his walking on the lake, John tells us that Jesus has no better reward than to see his people walk in faith.  32 times walking is mentioned in scripture, is it part of your biography?  Or is running, mentioned 31 times, mostly in a running away from tense, except to the tomb of Jesus, afraid they had missed him.  With Dr. Luke advising us to “do not go after them,” those that propose to see Jesus and spread a false doctrine.  The only running in a Christians life should be running to Jesus, as the father ran to the prodigal son, with love and mercy running over your cup in Christ.  Being out of breath may be as simple as being out of the spirit. 
Unity in the spirit, as simple as letting Jesus be the Lord you tell everyone at church he is.  He didn’t come to save churches, but sinners.  We are his church, yet some choose to walk away.  While some choose to run after him.  Only in the spirit will you gain all he has for us when you walk with him.  You can be like the two men who encountered him, not knowing who he was and remarking how their hearts burned within them, or running amok, searching for the answers to life, only found in him.  When we decide to put Jesus first, that is what brings us into harmony with him and unifies the church.  But if we put the things of our mind first, we miss the blessings of God.  Our choice, we can be like Doug’s family, once a year and then go our separate ways, be a CEO at church, Easter and Christmas only, or walk in the spirit daily.  Some of us have a lot of catching up to do....don’t run, you don’t have to.  Jesus accepts you as and where you are.  He just doesn’t want to leave you like that.  In religion there is no room for originality, only in Jesus will you find all you are looking for, and more.  Wouldn’t you just love to have heard the conversations between God and Adam and Eve in the Garden? 
And no yelling either....
love with compassion,