Tuesday, September 8, 2009

places we worship-bike shops and church

Stu and I took a trip back 30 years today when we stopped in the motorcycle salvage shop looking for a spring for Theresa's side stand. Used parts-we used to call them junk yards, are the only ones sold there, and it was fun checking out bikes we used to know or better yet wanted-but couldn't afford from the late '70's and the early '80's. Back when Honda really owned the market, and proved it when Yamaha came out and said they were going to bury Honda in sales, so many bikes went unsold as they were over imported. Honda dropped their prices so low that not only did they remain number one, but almost put Yamaha out of business. All this without mega stores, not being open seven days a week, and without easy money. Shops were small, what was on the floor was it, and prices were generally not negotiable. Maybe get a cheap helmet thrown in, or an oil change, that was it. Dealers were small businessmen and did everything they could to stay that way.
They were also owned by guys that rode, so they were closed on Sunday and Monday-so they could go riding! What a thought-guys who ride owning a cycle shop! Often times a family owned affair, it was not unusual for the wife to be a parts manager, and I knew some real good ones over the years-parts managers that is. And easy money was the name of a Rodney Dangerfield movie-getting a loan was hard enough-high risk group that we were, and interest rates at 24% kept all but the serious rider junkie away. If you happened to have a friend at the bank who rode 18% was a deal, and gave you bragging rights for getting a good deal, on a street bike only. Dirt bikers-you paid cash!
The service department was a place you hung out on Saturday mornings, and often were handed a tool and told "don't waste my time, fix it yourself." In the shop you frequented, aka hung out in, you might even have a charge account, at least your own coffee mug. You knew the mechanics-they weren't techs yet, and they knew you. They didn't get rich off you, but made a decent income fixing things you broke while doing it yourself. It was a simple system, and it worked. The parts guys would give you the part number sometimes, knowing you would go to the salvage shop, or buy from one of the mail order houses. Online-wait another 15 years. We dealt with people-face to face. And the sales guys, aka the owner, was always telling you the price, the one you couldn't afford, that when you got that raise, or your wife said ok you would buy-from him. And after many years of asking, when you finally were ready, would cut you the deal. Always mentioning how he wasn't making any money on this deal, but then you weren't either. Never telling your friends what you really paid, as no matter how much they could have always gotten it for you for less. But there was a theme here, you had a relationship with a dealer. You may have started as that guy on the beater Honda, but as you worked your way up the through the pack, you built relationships, and made friends. And when you needed that oil change done late on Friday so you could leave Saturday, they would stay open and do it. Missing a part-the special order department would borrow one off a new bike-just to get you on the road. You had a relationship with that dealer, and even if you paid more than through the mail-it was worth it as they were there when you needed them.
How many of you can say that today? Do you wait three weeks for service? Do you pay extra for that special order part? Non refundable SOP? Maybe you need to work on that relationship. Rather than brag about the great deal you got on your Arai from Helmet House, after trying them on at his shop, try asking for a discount, or a deal. Build that relationship-or better yet invest in it. For over 15 years I have dealt with Mickey-in or out of Orange County Triumph, and when I need them, they are there. I expect fair treatment, sometimes I pay more, but mostly they are below anyone else. They want my business, and I need them there for me. Very simply put we have a relationship, based on trust, and the definition that a good deal is where both parties benefit. A fair deal, do you get one at your shop?
Do you support your church? Your pastor? Do you have a home church where they know you, and love you? And when you aren't there, call to say they miss you! If not, you are missing something. Don't buy into the excuse that you don't need to go to church. WRONG! When you are down, they will be there! Hurting, they will support. And teach the word, and encourage your marriage, and your ministry. And the really cool ones will encourage you to ride, and take the gospel to bikers.
But they aren't my denomination. Guess what, they won't be in heaven either. They sing songs other than the hymns. Good, it is called praise and worship because it is. They don't teach on themes, but from the Bible, verse by verse. Do you know a better way to learn about God?
Get over it! And get out! Support your church, go to a men's fellowship. They may be more like you than you think. Just like the gang at the bike shop, they love to fellowship-except this time it is Jesus. Testimonies? Can you think of a better bench race? Support your pastor-whether he rides or not. He loves Jesus-what a great guy to be friends with. Single-God just may have the one there for you. A brand you never knew existed. Group rides-we Christians ride too, and rather well. You may be surprised as you get left behind the pack after the first turn, but we'll wait for you to work your way back into the group. Just like at the shop.
Give God another chance. Try Him out, and His church. Build that relationship-we are here when needed. And unlike the old shops-church is open on Sundays.
As for me-I like Saturday night services. Old school, I still like riding on Sundays. And I still like getting the good guy deal. Take my advice-accept the deal Jesus offers-no one will beat it. And you don't have to wait for it to show up in the mail. See you in church, we're the ones in denim and leather-our official church clothes!
Jesus Christ-big enough to be God-small enough to know you personally. Just like my dealer. And like yours too, I hope. Support your church today-so that they are there tomorrow!
love with compassion,