Thursday, September 10, 2009

we say we do, but do we mean it?

Perhaps you are familiar with the saying "it's the economy stupid." You may have even said it, or you may even be stupid, but from politicians to believers, it has been said or heard by us all. And from a worldly perspective, it's correct-the economy, or more precisely money brings power and influence, and with it generally more problems than it solves. Ecclesiastes even tells us the rich man never has enough and doesn't sleep well worrying about it. Some even think it makes the world go around, unlike the song which tells us it is love-and who is love?
I have come to the conclusion that politics runs just the opposite of God. Politics is man using his ways to solve problems, Christians use God's ways to solve problems. You can't do both. In other words, you can solve man's problems using God's ways, but cannot solve spiritual problems using man's ways. No matter how much money you throw at a problem, sometimes it will not go away. And I see too many grounded Christians leaning on legalism rather than the spirit. A good clue they are is they are researching or studying the problem. Sometimes for months, when all God asks is for you to trust Him, He has the answer. Which tells a lot about their relationship with God, it is a set of rules and regulations. Fun, huh? But read the book of Acts. Men did great things, and were rescued from death, stoning, shipwrecks, and other things when in the spirit. Legalism looks for a tangible reason, or excuse-sometimes an escape clause, walking in the spirit requires trust. Faith. And an intimate relationship with the God who wrote the book you are using for research. And it is impossible to please God without faith, takes just a little. Where Moses gave reasons for divorce, and would give a written decree, God tells us nothing is impossible with Him, and shows how earthly marriages should reflect our heavenly marriage.
When at dinner the other night, a friend told me he worries about me because I have been unemployed for 18 months, and can't understand why I don't. By the way, he didn't offer to buy me dinner, he couldn't worry too much. It is called trust. And tells you a lot about my relationship with God-also about his, sadly. Not that mine is better, but trusting God is always the best way. I want all the blessings God has for me. And He loves to bless, so let Him. And it is based on a relationship, not knowledge or anything we have done. God is the same God when I was making six figures as He is when I am making no figures. He doesn't change, nor do my blessings. And Psalms shows its writer saying "help me to not steal and bring shame on you in my poverty, but don't make me too rich that I forget where my blessings come from." And "he has never seen the righteous begging." Makes me wonder about those will work for food signs-God Bless! Do we trust God, or just say we do?
God's economy is different. With so many men unemployed, so many families now have a different approach to life, and God. Unlike Job, when the going gets tough,they accuse God and blame Him. Good thing God is love, try that with your banker. Or VISA! While we work for a paycheck, to solve a problem, then spend it and start the process again, God works on direct deposit. Three examples recently. We have plumbing problems, would have cost about $1000. A friend of Andrew's has us buy the $66 parts, he does the rest after hours-for free. By the way, he is not saved, just glad to help a friend. We had ants, then they returned. Both times another friend had his brother come over and spray the house professionally for free. Andrew had to have wisdom teeth pulled, he had an abscess. The dentist when I told him of my being out of work-technically I am out of a paycheck-if you think I am out of work, try to keep my pace-discounted the service so we would not pay extra for the lab work-which returned negative. In each case God met the need-His resources are always available. Money didn't have to always change hands, because it doesn't always solve the problem.
I also have friends who are retired early-to minister more they say-but when talking to them they do little ministry, but a lot of other things-life has taken them over, not the spirit. I also have good friends who do minister more-because they trust God. Both are Christians, but the scripture that says seek me with all your heart, and be blessed, also reminds us to seek Him first, then all things will be added. Seek a little-get a little, trust a little, get a little. Trust a lot-and the blessings flow. What fruit do you bear?
Contrary to the New York Times, God is not dead-or broke. They are. God is not a debtor, but our nation is. When removed from the classroom, look at the results of the schools. Can you name anything the government can do better than God? Or even private enterprise? This is not a political matter, but a spiritual one. So why do you go to man when you should be going to God?
Where do you stand? Your walk will show. Don't like your job-quit-or quit complaining. Funny how when asked if they miss their job, it is really the paycheck, not the job they miss. Underpaid? Maybe you are just overburdened. But you don't understand! You're right-I don't need or want to-while you do research, I trust God! He offers a peace that surpasses understanding. And you're right-it isn't fair! Because it is not supposed to be-so get over it! Sin stinks. Great trials only increase your need for God, so seek Him and be blessed. Or do you think the government knows what you need more? Who you seek, who you trust tells a lot about who you worship, and what you worship controls you.
Me-I want to be under God's control-self control being fruit of the spirit-look it up, while you are researching. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. He is my complaint department, maintenance crew, and trusted advisor. And my banker-direct deposit, and counselor. Open 24/7, check Him out. Try trusting Him today, ask the spirit to guide you. And enjoy the rest while all others around you panic. And yes, they will think you are crazy-we are, just crazy enough to trust a God we cannot see, touch, or feel. But can have fellowship through via His spirit. Just crazy enough to enjoy His blessings, and provide a witness to others of Him. He is the agenda I wish to have.
Next time you wonder why no one wants to go to church with you, stop and think. Would I like to be like you, whining, complaining, constantly seeking answers and finding none-or would I like to be like someone who has joy in the face of adversity-an overcomer in Christ? The difference is trust. Then listen. Don't be like the pitcher after the manager visited him on the mound, wondering "did he say throw a screwball or I was a screwball?" Make Him your ATM today-Always seeking Him-Trusting Him-and watching the Miracles abound. Know His voice. No codes, just Jesus. Deposit your life in Him today, and start receiving dividends. Big return, small investment. No minimum deposit required.
Maybe it is the economy-God's economy, so don't be stupid. These things shall follow them that believe. What things are following you? Who do you believe? Who do you trust? If you have to research that, you aren't trusting Him like you say. Or sadly maybe you are...
love with trust and compassion,